Sunday, February 01, 2009

Round 5, Day 22

Another good day to pray:

Gratefully I recognize the Truth of my being. All there is – is God. God is Divine Energy – the Source of all Good. It is more than I can possibly imagine. It is everywhere. It is all powerful. It is all knowing. It is at the very center of my Self.

Today as I contemplate the nature of God, I understand at a deeper level that I am a co-creator in this world. As I look around me I am so grateful for all I have directed Divine Energy to be. As I go within, I am grateful for the wellspring of Peace I find there.

I choose now to dwell in this Peace. Here I am fear-free. I have no problems or challenges. Here I can hear the guidance that is always being given. This Guidance whispers softly “Trust – Trust – Trust.” I breathe deeply and choose to do this.

As I breathe in Trust, I remember my intentions for this campaign with an awareness that all I can imagine for myself is what the Divine is working on with me. I relax and feel the creative Energy flow.

Thank God I know my Good is flowing easily. Thank God I trust the Law for me and for everyone else in this campaign.

Gratefully I release these words knowing they are already done. And so it is.

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