Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 45

"Again I remind you to live a life and not just talk about it.  There is far too much talk and not enough action in the world today, which is why the world is in the state it is in.  You are the ones to live that  life, to put into action what I am telling you.  You have to do the work; no one else can do it for you.  You can be given a plate of food but only you can eat it if you are to be nourished by it.  You can be told about spiritual truths but only as you live them, put them into practice in your lives and demonstrate them, do they become reality to you and live and move and have their being in you.  You must stand on your own feet and do your own work, your own thinking, and do your own living."    -- Eileen Cady, co-founder of Findhorn

SO -- go back and look at the first pages of your journal, where you declared what you wanted out of this round of Thank God We're Rich.  How are you doing?  Are you putting these Principles in action ... or just reading and deleting them?

I'm inviting all of us to check in with our consciousness -- and if need be, renew our intentions!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day 44

The other day I received a check for my washer and dryer from the new tenant, and in the hustle and bustle of moving, I lost it!
I found it very interesting to observe my thoughts and feelings -- over a piece of paper!
During the search I went from curiosity to panic to "oh well" ... and yes, I did find it.

How would you be in such a situation?  It's at these times that we really realize what we believe.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 42

Today I declare I am a Great Receiver!!

I choose what I want to receive.
I open my heart, my mind and my arms to the generosity of the Universe.
I declare that anything in my subjective mind that might have previously blocked my good is released.
And I receive -- graciously, willingly, gratefully.
Day 43

A simple and effective affirmation:

My income increases whether I am working, sleeping or playing.

And So It Is.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Day 41

"Money is just a part of the picture - it is not the reason for living."
--Lynn McTaggart, author, Living the Field

Money is just a "part" of the picture --- that statement removes some of the energy around it for me and makes it a lot easier to manifest!!

I KNOW for each of us that our whole picture is filled with lots of good things!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Day 40

Abundance is mine. I cannot be deprived of my supply. The trees do not lack for leaves, nor do the flowers fail to bloom.
Am I not as important as they?
I look at the lavish wastefulness of nature and know that God intended me to be as abundantly supplied with everything that makes for beauty, well-being, progressive living and happiness.

-- Ernest Holmes

Since I know this is true, I no longer accept lack or limitation in my life. I am open to receive all of Life's riches. I expect and accept all that is necessary for my highest good and greatest joy. Abundance is my Divine Birthright.

And So It Is.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Day 39

"Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working 24 hours a day for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force."
Tom Blandi, Author

This quote came in on Bob Proctor's daily e-mail the other day ... and as I sat down to budget the extra expenses of moving I realized just how important this statement is. Our attitudes about money can control the flow into and out of our lives!

When you pay your bills are you doing it in an attitude of gratitude? Pay attention today as you open your purse or wallet, use your debit or credit cards. What is your attitude right at that moment? And if you find that you're uncomfortable with your attitude - change it!

How? Well, on the TV show Allie McBeal, one of the characters had been to a therapist who taught him "Smile Therapy." When he wanted to change how he was feeling, he was to consciously smile. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to do the same thing. Smile in gratefulness for all you have and all you are!

Thank God We're Rich!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Day 38

Here's a line I copied from a delightful little book "Acres of Diamonds" by Russell Conwell:

"I say you ought to be rich: you have no right to be poor. To live and not be rich is a misfortune and it is doubly a misfortune because you could have been rich just as well as being poor."

It reminds me of a cartoon I saw in the New Yorker magazine years ago .... two hobos are standing on the sidewalk watching a Rolls Royce drive by. One turns to the other and says "There but for me, go I."

And how true this is. Choose to be rich and then honour that choice by doing what is necessary to attain and maintain that consciousness. You have a right to be rich!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Day 36

Reflections on Prosperity and Money

I love the greeting given in 3 John 1 by Paul to his friend, Gaius, and those living in the Province of Asia -- "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers."

How wonderful to consider that our soul prospers. When we realize we are created to prosper, this is the magnet to our good. Our soul is the eternal vehicle of Spirit and Spirit is ever willing to provide abundantly. When our first love is God/Spirit we are sustained and fulfilled abundantly.

Let's understand ... money is intended to be God in action, circulating, blessing, increasing, enriching. When I work from my soul prospering I shall be led rightly in my use of money at all times. Money will never be my first love, God alone is, but that I am intended to prosper should never be in question.

by Dr. Charles Geddes, co-pastor of Fort Lauderdale, Florida CRS

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Day 35

I got a complaint yesterday about our focus on money, which made me laugh, since this is intentionally a campaign about money! So let's get real here -- The world we live in is obsessed with money. We're told having it will make us happy, and not having it will make us depressed. It's the perfect vehicle to examine who's beliefs we are living with!!

I think money and how we respond to it, is a symbol of how we work with the energy moving through our lives. The late Dr. Raymond Charles Barker wrote that money is a symbol of the action of God in our lives. We all want more! Realizing we can attract money with almost no effort at all can lead us to an understanding that anything is possible - including the soul-satisfying relationship with the Divine we're all yearning for!

"The ability to manifest -- to take one's visions, dreams, hopes, and fantasies and make them real -- is one of the most important skills people can learn to empower themselves and become greater lights to the world around them...The ability to create abundance will greatly add to people's ability to live rewarding and fulfilling lives." -- Sanaya Roman, Creating Money

Thank God We're Rich!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Day 34

I've heard about the results of our butterfly experiment from a few of you - how delightful! I know this has helped you realize that what you focus on, you attract.

So - because this is a prosperity campaign - today let's focus on found money. "Found money" is money found in coat pockets, on the street, in the couch, the glove compartment of your car, whereever ... the idea is to focus on "finding money" for the next 24 hours.

Again, let me remind you, what you focus on, you attract!! Pay attention!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Day 33

A good day to pray. Read this Spiritual Mind Treatment with as much feeling and belief as you can as many times as you desire:

There is one infinite Source of all substance. It is not only the Source but the substance itself. It fills every atom of the universe because It is the Universe. From this Source continually flows our good. There is no way we can stop It.

I know now that I can limit my experience of It by my thoughts and feelings, but I can not stop It. So I quit trying to. I now declare that all that is within my subjective mind blocking my good is now erased. I breathe deeply with a great sense of relief. I have let go of limitation.

Now I experience my Self more fully. I experience the Good of this world with ease. I am open to the abundance of the Universe in all ways. I see It show up not only in my financial life, but in my health, my relationships and the way I work.

I celebrate my renewed consciousness of prosperity. I feel it and I see it everywhere! Life is good! Life is abundant!

With a grateful heart, I release these words into the Law of Mind, knowing they are already an established Truth in my consciousness. Thank God We're Rich! And so It is.
Day 32

I've been clearing a lot of clutter with some help from friends ... and what a freeing feeling it is!

I've chosen to use this experience as a symbol of clearing any clutter that has been blocking my prosperity consciousness.

I invite you to try it! Clean a drawer, a closet, a room, the car, your desk ... and let go of anything that is no longer serving you! You'll be amazed at the results!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Day 31

Let's be "scientists" ...

I would like you to have an example of how powerful you are. When you finish reading this, I'd like you to sit still for at least 3 minutes and focus on butterflies. Contemplate their beauty, and what they mean to you. Then set an intention that you will notice butterflies this weekend. They might not necessarily be live ones and they may show up in unusual places, so have fun!

This experiment is to prove the concept "What you focus on, you attract."

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day 30

We've reached the half way point for this round! Give yourself a big hug! Whether you realize it or not, your consciousness is changing for your highest good and greatest joy.

Spend some time thinking, and perhaps journalizing, about the wonderfully abundant Universe you live in. Why? Because we are as rich as the openness of our hearts to receive that which Spirit is always giving.

What a great way to love yourself today!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day 29

A meditation:

Get by yourself for a few minutes every day. Release your worries, relax your body and quietly invite the rich substance of the universe to flow into your mind, body and affairs. State that this rich universal substance is providing you with whatever you need for your growth and expansion. It might be health, guidance, specific ideas or information, a job, more money, peace of mind, more leisure and time for reflection, or more harmonious relationships.

'Do not try to force this Power to do anything for you. To try to compel it only repels it. Be relaxed, receptive, open minded, humble. Do not get impatient, but practice this simple asking and inviting method daily. Something wonderful will happen, if you persevere!'

"Millionaire Meditation Method", The Millionaires of Genesis, The First Millionairess, Ruth, Catherine Ponder (A great read!)

I love this affirmation:
"This Rich Universal Substance is providing me with whatever I need for my growth and expansion."

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day 28

Our true nature is one of affluence and abundance; we are naturally affluent because nature supports every need and desire. Therefore you must know that you are already inherently affluent, no matter how much or how little money you have, because the source of all wealth is the field of pure potentiality. It is consciousness that knows how to fulfill every need, including joy, love, laughter, peace, harmony and knowledge. If you seek these things first – not only for yourself, but for others – all else will come to you spontaneously.

--Deepak Chopra

Today let's KNOW for each other that we are all living affluent lives!!

Thank God We're Rich!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 27

"Today, I expect new ways of doing things;

I expect to meet new people, form new friendships;

I expect everything in my experience to

enlarge and deepen and broaden.

I expect more good than I have ever experienced before,

and today I expect to GIVE OUT MORE,

to increase my love for others.

This new influx of the Divine makes this day perfect,

glad and expressive of limitless bounty

from the storehouse of the Infinite Good."
Ernest Holmes

365 Science of Mind

What a Great way to start the week!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Day 26

"Prosperity in the form of wealth

works exactly the same as everything else.

You will see it coming into your life

when you are unattached to needing it."

Wayne Dyer

How needy are you feeling today? If we are focused on need, the Universe will honour our request for more need.

Take a moment.... feel the safety of your chair, breathe in the ever-present air, be grateful for eyes to see and hands to touch the keyboard. In this very moment, what more do you need? And in the next moment, and the next?

One moment at a time, realize you have everything you need to live in that moment, and your feeling of neediness will pass. The energy you are putting out will be of "having" and the Universe will honour that with bringing you more to have.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Day 25

A good day for a prayer! This is a Spiritual Mind Treatment by the late Dr. Raymond Charles Barker

My Money is God's Money
The Divine Spirit prospers me in every possible way. I praise the wealth of God. I now claim it for my own. My money is God's money.
I believe in the goodness of God's wonderful money. I am not self-stingy. I like money and appreciate all I can do with it for myself and those I love. I never condemn money in any way. I know its spiritual origins. I rejoice in all the good things I can do with it. It circulates in all my affairs. It pays all my debts and gives me freedom of action. I have a healthy respect for God's money, and I use it with wisdom. I always use the power of money rightly.
I am open and receptive to unexpected money coming to me in unusual and wonderful ways. I now erase from my subconscious mind every concept of limitation or lack. I never criticize the way other people spend their money. I mind my own business. My financial consciousness is healthy and expanding. And so it is.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Day 24

What would make you FEEL prosperous today?

What ever it is, let yourself do it!

Our thoughts, combined with our feelings, are what set the Law of Attraction in motion!

Thursday, February 07, 2008


By Oprah Winfrey

I live in the space of thankfulness - and I have been rewarded a million times over for it. I started out giving thanks for small things,
and the more thankful I became, the more my bounty increased.

That's because what you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life.

"Say thank you!" Those words from my friend and mentor Maya Angelou turned my life around. One day about ten years ago, I was sitting in my bathroom with the door closed and the toilet lid down, booing and ahooing on the phone so uncontrollably that I was incoherent.

"Stop it! Stop it right now and say thank you!" Maya chided. "But You don't understand," I sobbed.

To this day, I can't remember what it was that had me so far gone, which only proves the point Maya was trying to make. "I do understand," she told me. "I want to hear you say it now. Out loud.

'Thank you.'" Tentatively, I repeated it: "Thank you - but what am I saying thank you for?"

"You're saying thank you," Maya said, "because your faith is so strong that you don't doubt that whatever the problem, you'll get through it. You're saying thank you because you know that even in the eye of the storm, God has put a rainbow in the clouds.
You're saying thank you because you know there's no problem created that can compare to the Creator of all things. Say thank you!"


Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Day 22

If you're like me, since the beginning of the year, you've probably been inundated with phone calls and letters in the mail offering you new credit cards. Some of the offers are so seductive. Yet, getting another credit card is not an answer to a prosperity treatment - it's creating more debt! Suzee Orman, in her book 9 Steps to Financial Freedom, writes that when we use our credit cards and only pay the minimums due, we pay much more than the actual price of the items we've bought!

Part of a prosperity consciousness is being a good steward of what we have now. Part of being a good steward is knowing what your debts and income are. Today, let yourself be honest as you review your current financial picture. Then journal on how you feel. Next, spend time being grateful for the credit you have (or even don't have) and bless all your debts, knowing they will soon be paid in full!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Day 21

Ever notice how easily "stuff" accumulates? Perhaps today is a good day to clean a drawer or closet.
The renowned prosperity teacher, Catherine Ponder, wrote in Dynamic Laws of Prosperity:

"Basically, the vacuum law of prosperity is this:

if you want greater good, greater prosperity in your life, start forming a vacuum to receive it!

In other words, get rid of what you DON'T want, to make room for what you DO want."

This is a good Principle for beliefs that no longer serve us as well.

Thank God We're Rich!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Day 20

"To recognize the greater good that is inherent in all things

is to cause that good to become a greater and greater power in you,

until it becomes just as strong in action

as it previously was in realization."

Christian Larson

The Pathway of Roses

Today recognize and be grateful for the Source of all your good.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Day 19

Ask yourself this question:

How much wealth am I ready to receive right now?

Write down in your journal the first three answers that come to you.

Now look at your 3 answers ....

the first answer is what you think you should want
the second is what you think others think you want
and the third is what you really want ....

Journalize about your responses.

Awareness is a key.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Day 18

Today would be a great day to give away some money!!

Now if you read that sentence and thought "Whoa, wait a minute ... I doing this program to get more money, not give it away!" then this day is especially for you!

Here's a story:
A gold miner was hopelessly lost in the desert, he had run out water days ago, and the temperature was over 100 degrees. He was about to give up when he stumbled across what appeared to be an old abandoned water pump. He pumped it like crazy but no water came out.compling valuable content,home-based business compling valuable content,home-based businessAt the base of the pump, he discovered a tiny bottle of water, and under it he finds a note that read.
"I repaired this ole' pump, so it'll work if you try. Just take that little bottle of water and pour it down the well. It'll wet the leather washer and seal the pump. Then you'll get all the water you want."
When we remember that the Law of Circulation is a circle ... then the idea of priming the pump becomes a great idea. Let me caution you however. You must give the money away with no judgments attached.

For instance, if you decide you're going to give something to that guy that's always sitting on the corner with his dog and his hand out, don't be thinking about how he should get a job, or that he's just going to use it to buy liquor or drugs, or any of the other things we think as we quickly walk by averting our heads.

Give just because you can. Give with an attitude of gratitude.
And Thank God We're Rich.

PS - this experience and the feelings it brings up will be a good thing for the next page in your journal!