Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Round 5, Day 18

When you are doing your work in consciousness for prosperity, what do you expect to happen?

Some of us pray waiting for a miracle. Some of us do our affirmations with a sense of doubt so deep we are not consciously aware of it. Some of us create our Treasure Maps hoping it will work.

Remember that the Law is working all the time, whether we are praying or not. The Law is “It is done unto me as I believe.” And what we believe about our prosperity is in our lives right now!

In your prosperity notebook today, get honest. Look around and record what you see as the effects of your current prosperity consciousness. Then any parts you do not like, cross them out, and re-write them so they are more appropriate to your heart’s desires.

Do this work with a sense of eager expectancy, trusting the Law. Here’s an affirmation for today:

“I expect only the best to happen and it does.”

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