Monday, January 26, 2009

Round 5, Day 16

Without doubt, the most common weakness of all human beings is the habit of leaving their minds open to the negative influences of other people.
~ Napoleon Hill

How many of us are feeling a little (or big) fission of fear when the news comes on? Because negativity is coming to us through the airwaves, through conversations at the office or around the dinner table… here are a couple of things you can do to keep yourself from being mesmerized by the consciousness of fear.

If you can’t avoid listening to it, let yourself practice the Power of No! We learned how great this power is at two years old – yet most of us were talked out of it. :)
Clearly state: “No - regardless of appearances, this is not my Reality!”

Listen for the good news in amongst all the bad – for instance, last night I heard that the recession is going to be difficult but short. Whoo Hoo – it’s going to be short!! (I ignored the ‘difficult’ part - that is not part of my Reality)

Remember who you are!! You are a powerful expression of the One Source of all Good – Abundance is your nature. And like Nature, nothing can stop you from manifesting your good. See and feel it as easy as the trees outside your window, which are now starting to warm up and get ready to abundantly show forth their inner beauty!!

Thank God We are Rich!!

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