Thursday, January 22, 2009

Round 5, Day 12

I got a note from a campaign member who’d been doing the work I recommended, and saying affirmations and prayers, yet things just kept getting worse.

I called the person, and in the first 5 minutes of our conversation I knew why things hadn’t gotten any better – yes, they were doing the work, but they wouldn’t let go of the story of how they got where they were financially. I could hear an undertone of resentment and feel a sense of betrayal. We talked more, and did a Spiritual Mind Treatment, and I’m knowing there has been a turn-around!

What I absolutely know is – we have to let go of the old story! I don’t care what the circumstances were. This is not to say that I don’t hear the pain behind the stories. I know it is there and honour it… but how long are we going to hang on to it!! That was then, and this is now – and Now is all that matters.

Today, write your story in your prosperity notebook. Make it juicy and descriptive. Tell your story for all it’s worth --- because this is the LAST time you can tell it. When you are finished, slash a big, bold line through the story, and write

“This is no longer my reality.”

You’ve already started to write a new story called “Thank God We’re Rich!”

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