Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Round 5, Day 10

Much of the world is excited today. The energy radiating out of Washington DC is something to celebrate. We are looking to the future with eager anticipation.

In President Obama’s acceptance speech he made a comment about “our confidence being sapped.” We’ve all known this on an individual level. Whenever we go though any kind of stress, especially financial, our confidence gets sapped. We wonder if what we are using Principle correctly … we might even go into “why me?”

I often feel that crisis happens just before consciousness changes permanently. It’s as if the old consciousness is fighting to stay alive. If we allow ourselves to be mesmerized by the crisis, we will only perpetuate it. It is at these times that we must stand on Principle, reminding ourselves that we have placed a request into the Law, and the Law will work for us, through us, according to the level of our acceptance, regardless of any facts we might be facing.

Today remind yourself of your intention for this campaign, and look forward to the results with eager expectancy.

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