Monday, October 05, 2009

Day 27 -

Let’s start this week with a Spiritual Mind Treatment:

One Power – One Mind – One Heart – One Presence that fills the universe – is the Universe itself and everything in it, including me.

I breathe deeply and let myself be aware of this awesome Presence in and around me. It is loving and intelligent and here for me.

Today I open my mind and heart to embody more God. God is my good and as I turn within, more good flows out into my world. All of my challenges are easily met and resolved. My mind is clear to vision a new abundant life. My heart is open to serve.

I pray without ceasing, seeing The Divine in absolutely everything, everywhere. I see my world is filled with Good, and I experience this Good with gratitude. I celebrate my abundant life!

I release these words to the Law of Mind knowing they are my Truth. And So It Is!

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