Sunday, January 21, 2007

Day 19 of Round 2

An e-mail sent me to a site of Catherine Ponder's affirmations, which inspired me to share this with you:

As I recognize the Divine Presence, I am now deliberately and joyously radiating divine love to myself, my world, and to all humankind.

My words are charged with prospering power.

This is God's day, a good day. I pronounce this day and all of its activities good! I know we walk in the charmed circle of Divine Love, and are divinely irresistible to our highest good now.

Everything and everyone prospers us, and we prosper them. Life is good. Today I see this good everywhere I am. I recognize it with joy, knowing I am seeing the results of co-creating with The Divine.

I am so grateful for our wonderfully prosperous lives.
And so it is.

Catherine Ponder is an awesome prosperity teacher!

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