Monday, September 11, 2006

Day 27

Have you ever visited Elyse Killoran’s website “Choosing Prosperity”? It’s great! There are so many wonderful things to do – including getting a virtual cheque a day in larger and larger amounts !

The other day on her blog, she shared the following process and so I share it with you. I invite you to copy and paste this on a word document and fill in the areas Elyse suggests. Do this with as much emotional energy as you can – really feel the gratitude, the relief in being able to surrender your concerns, the eager expectancy of knowing that the Universal Manager of Well-Being is taking over. Put the completed document on your desktop, or some where you can read it often.

To: Universal Manager of Well-Being
From: Me
Date: Today
Re: Projects now in your hands

I. First of all, tremendous thanks and gratitude for all of the guidance and support that I have received over the past week: (List as many things as you can to amp up your energy of gratitude/appreciation.)

II. Please support me in whatever way would best serve to expedite the following easily, effortlessly, and for the highest good of all concerned: (List all the things that are weighing on you - conflicts, worries, things on your to-do list, etc. Hand them over and do not take the heaviness back. The Universe is now working to smooth out resistant energy on your behalf. )

III. Please support me in drawing the following to me in the most appropriate time/space sequence:
(List all the desires that you want to launch at this time -- followed by a couple of words about why you want these things in order to amp up the energy. Then let go of your attachment - - to outcome and time frame -- and allow the Universe to bring you everything that is for your highest good.)


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