Friday, May 18, 2007

Day 17 of Round 3

Another wonder writing by Eileen Cady, co-founder of Findhorn:

These Gifts Cannot Enter Closed Hearts

You can be offered something, but unless you hold out your hand and accept that offer it does not become yours. You have to do your part. With the things of Spirit this applies even more. Much is being held out to you, yet many fail to accept these wonderful gifts. You turn your backs on them instead of opening your hearts and allowing them to flood your whole being. These gifts cannot enter closed hearts. Why not accept joyously all that I am offering to you and know that as you accept, you grow in stature, you shoulder your responsibilities and become really useful to the whole. You find your rightful place in the whole scheme of things, for you have entered right into the midst of all that is going on and have become a part of it. Therefore you can really be used in the most wonderful ways to bring about My wonders.


Are you ready and open to receive?

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