Thursday, August 24, 2006

Day 3

Yesterday we looked at how we defined abundance …

Here’s one I have always liked - it says it all!

“Prosperity is being able to do what I want, when I want, with whom I want.”

Raymond Charles Barker

Ernest Holmes writes in the 365 Science of Mind, page 242:

“The time has come to open your inward vision and look out upon a new and broader horizon. You are at that place in your growth where there is complete certainty before you. You shall continuously expand and experience more and more of that Life which is already perfect. There is no reason why this awakening will not come now, for you are not waiting on God … God is waiting on you. All nature awaits your recognition and even the Divine Spirit must await your cooperation with It.”



What would you like to manifest? _______________________________

(For instance: I want to manifest the airline tickets to be in Hawaii next month for my former churches’ 20 anniversary.)

In order to have anything, we must have the consciousness of that thing first... so here's an affirmation:

Divine Mind now assists me in attaining the consciousness of ________________.

(Divine Mind now assists me in attaining the consciousness of being in Hawaii next month.)

Breathe!! Let go and let the Law do Its work.


Abundant Blessings, Rev. Angelica

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