Thursday, August 24, 2006

Day 10

Let’s talk receiving …

Would anyone like a little extra money?? Here’s a great Spiritual Mind Treatment by Louise Hay. Read this with as much feeling and belief as you can --- allow yourself to feel it, see it and claim it as yours!

The Universe is my supply.

I release all resistance to attracting money.

The Universe finds unique ways to increase my prosperity.

Money is my friend.

I open the doors to accepting money.

I let it come in expected and unexpected ways.

I am a channel for all good, including money.

I breathe deeply and know I am blessed.

I am worthy of a positive cash flow.

I smile often, knowing that

I have moved into a new way of thinking

that allows abundance to flow to me.

Louise Hay

Thank God we’re rich!!

Abundant Blessings, Rev. Angelica

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