Thursday, August 31, 2006

Day 17

Dear Abundant Ones,

I remember sitting in Rev. Helen Street’s car, one night after a Science of Mind 300 class, crying my eyes out. I was also participating in a prosperity class she was teaching … and in between sobs I told her I was following all the class suggestions: I was tithing, I was giving seed money, I was asking and I was open to receiving … but things were getting worse instead of better!

She looked at me in that way she had that made one have to really be present, and asked “Who do you have to forgive?”

That started me on an adventure I will never forget. I had thought I was so conscious, so awake, yet when I began to think of various people in my life (like my Father for one, who rescued my little sister every time she got in over her head with her credit cards, and who bought her a new home, but never had any money when I needed help) I realized the energy I was holding against him was really blocking MY good. As I did my forgiveness work (and it was WORK) I felt the stuck energy begin to drain away, and my prosperity started to flow.

Rev. Helen went on to explain that unpaid debt, debt that causes you concern, debt that seems hard to pay, is really about a need to forgive. So I ask you:


There are many methods of forgiveness. I like a method of writing “I forgive ________ for _____________” 70 times a day for 7 days. If you’d like to know more about that method, write me. I also like the excellent worksheet on Colin Tipping’s website: Go to “free online tools” and then click on RF forgiveness worksheet. You will be guided through the process quite well.

If you think you’ve done all your forgiveness work (as I did when Rev. Helen first asked me the question) allow part of yourself to be your witness – and when you find yourself talking or thinking about someone or some event and any part of your body tightens – pay attention! Forgiveness work is needed!!

Forgiveness does not make what happened right – it allows us to free that part of ourselves that got stuck when the event happened. In our freedom, we become better channels for Life to move through us. I wish I could tell you forgiveness is easy …. It’s not. But it’s necessary for our own good. Go ahead, get it over with!! Unblock the flow!

Divine Mind now assists us in attaining and maintaining the consciousness of forgiveness!

Abundant Blessings, Rev. Angelica

YES!!! Thank God we’re rich!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Day 16

Dear Abundant Ones,

Today I share three paragraphs from of a recent Forbes magazine article entitled

Now it's a fact: Money doesn't buy happiness
By Matthew Herper, Forbes

It's official: Money can't buy happiness.

Sure, if a person is handed $10, the pleasure centers of his brain light up as if he were given food, sex or drugs. But that initial rush does not translate into long-term pleasure for most people. Surveys have found virtually the same level of happiness between the very rich individuals on the Forbes 400 and the Maasai herdsman of East Africa. Lottery winners return to their previous level of happiness after five years. Increases in income just don't seem to make people happier -- and most negative life experiences likewise have only a small impact on long-term satisfaction.

"The relationship between money and happiness is pretty darned small," says Peter Ubel, a professor of medicine at the University of Michigan.

However, there may be at least one important relationship between money and happiness, according to Ed Diener, the University of Illinois researcher who surveyed the Forbes 400 and the Maasai. Diener has written that happy people tend to have higher incomes later on in their lives. So, while money may not help make people happy, being happy may help them make money.

I think being happy is the real purpose of our lives. Joy is one of the aspects of The Divine. Our purpose is to reveal our Godhood. So if we focus on that, everything else will come into its proper perspective.

Let’s use the affirmation from Day 3 for our spiritual practice today:

Divine Mind now assists me in attaining the consciousness of happiness!

And so it is!!

Abundant Blessings, Rev. Angelica

Thank God we’re rich!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Day 15

Dear Prosperions,

When I re-read yesterday’s e-mail this sentence jumped out at me

“I accept only the good and expect only the good.”

There are two important keys to our living an abundant life in this statement:

Acceptance and Expectancy

One morning while complaining about my state of affairs in my journal I heard very clearly “You are where you are because you have accepted it as where you are.” Ouch!! Sometimes I just don’t want to take responsibility for my life – I know you know what I mean. It makes the phrase “ignorance is bliss” make sense. (Silly grin) However, once we’ve opened the door to Principle, we can never go back to being ignorant of Spiritual Law. We can try, but Something Within Us keeps knocking until we answer.

Luckily for us, our teaching tells us that no matter what we’ve accepted into our experience – we can change our minds!! It is never too late!!

Today consciously look at something you’ve accepted as part of your life that no longer suits you, and CHANGE YOUR MIND!

Decide what you want – and watch with eager expectancy for how it shows up in your life!

Expectancy = knowing the Law will work, regardless of appearances. To me, this is taking ‘on the mantle of the Christ.’

Dr. Holmes writes on page 39 of the Science of Mind “… let us begin to accept today more good than we experienced yesterday, and to know that we shall reap a harvest of fulfilled desires.”


Acceptance and Expectancy!

YES!!! Thank God we’re rich!!

Abundant Blessings, Rev. Angelica

Day 14

Today I’d like to share with you yesterday’s writing from 365 Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes:

I am bountifully supplied from Divine Substance

Life fills all space and Spirit animates every form. But since you are an individual, even the Spirit cannot make the gift of Life unless you accept it. Life may have given everything to you but only that which you accept is yours to use.

Turning from every objective fact to the Divine Presence that dwells within you is turning from conditions to causes. It is turning from the relative to that realm of Absolute Being that, through self-knowingness, creates the forms It projects into the experience It creates. Thus Spirit comes to self-fulfillment in everything. Through the manifestation of the power that is within you, you can project any objective experience you may legitimately desire. Be certain that you are accepting this truth, that you are living in joyous expectation of good, that you are accepting abundance.

Say: Today I recognize the abundance of life. I animate everything in my experience with this idea. I remember only the good. I accept only the good and expect only the good. I give thanks that this good is flowing in ever increasing volume. I do not withhold good from myself or others, but proclaim that spiritual substance is forever flowing to each and all as daily supply.

YES!!! Thank God we’re rich!!

Abundant Blessings, Rev. Angelica

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Day 13

Have you seen the film “The Secret”? If not, I highly recommend it. It is a wonderful way to visually experience the Principles we teach.

Today, being Sunday, you deserve another treat. Here some affirmations and clips from the film:

Make these affirmations your own. Believe!

Thank God we’re rich!!

Abundant Blessings, Rev. Angelica

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Day 12

I want to share a readers note because, as I told them, many of you might be feeling the same way:

“I must be doing this wrong. Aside from the penny I found at PriceMart, I am not doing so well with the program. Is there a treatment that might help? I want to be able to send a tithe too........any suggestions?”

Sometimes it looks like nothing is happening .... but it is! TRUST and keep doing the work in consciousness -- that's where everything happens. Too many times we think our efforts are not paying off, and so we give up.

Think of it like being in a restaurant. The waiter comes and asks “How may I serve you?” Let’s say you decide to have a lobster dinner. You place your order and the waiter says “Thank you” and takes it to the kitchen. The chef begins to prepare you a fantastic meal. While you’re waiting, you might be beginning to doubt you can afford that lobster dinner. After all, you must be practical or maybe you don’t feel you deserve to eat lobster. The waiter notices your upset and says “Is there anything I can help you with?” You decide to change your order to chicken. He says “Thank you” and takes the order into the kitchen. The chef puts the lobster aside and begins to prepare a delicious chicken dinner for you.

No matter how many times you change your mind and place another order, the Chef (Spiritual Law) will create what you have ordered – with no judgments or expectations placed on you. Just saying YES. When we give up, (ie: saying “This stuff doesn’t work!”) the Law takes that as our Truth and works by not working.

Look at phrases used in the above note. What is being ordered? Change those phrases above into positive ones!! “I know I am doing this right. I am doing wonderfully with this program.” Remember - the Universe accepts our word as truth and only knows how to say YES!

Let’s look at the penny found at PriceMart – to me this is signs of land!! This is something to get excited about. So what if it’s a penny? I would look at that penny as the first of many to come into my experience. Be grateful for that penny! The more we are grateful for what we have the more comes into our lives!!

Feel that something within is drawing more to you,

live with the idea, and let the concept grow,

expecting only the biggest and the best to happen.

Affirm that you are that larger thing,

that you are now entering into that larger life.

You will soon find that a

larger and greater experience

has come into your life.

Ernest Holmes

Friday, August 25, 2006

Day 11

Back on Day 1 we made an intention to increase our consciousness of abundance.

The definition of abundance is:

- A great or plentiful amount.

- Fullness to overflowing (ie: my heart is overflowing with gratitude)

- Affluence; wealth.

From Latin meaning

“flow of waves”

Our job is to develop the consciousness of abundance. Consciousness is energy. Here are 4 tools to help create “waves” of abundance in your life:

WORDS = use to focus your attention

- use affirmations that are as believable as possible or as radical … perhaps beginning with “regardless of appearances”

- Bless with your words, appreciate everything. What ever we bless, increases: “I bless” “I love” ‘Thank you for”

- Direct the Law with your words. “This is what I want … “. Speak clearly and speak with expectation

IMAGES: = use to create expectation

- Our memory is full of images and the things we remember have influence.

Our subconscious does not distinguish between memory and fantasy

The universe will give us the nearest equivalent when we create our fantasies.

- Use images daily for planning. What do you see yourself doing?

- Use your imagination to create a perfect day in your mind. Visualize yourself being, doing, having what you want

FEELING = emotional energy used to create expectation and focus

- Be filled with enthusiasm – which really means filled with Spirit

- Have positive desires – go for something you Love

MOVEMENT = used to anchor images in mind

- Gestures and postures are very useful kinesthetically when you are visualizing your good. If you want to be at your perfect job, see yourself doing it, and let your body do the actions ….

Happy Surfing on the waves of abundance!!

Thank God we’re rich!!

Abundant Blessings, Rev. Angelica

Want to read some of my Friday Messages? Visit

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Day 10

Let’s talk receiving …

Would anyone like a little extra money?? Here’s a great Spiritual Mind Treatment by Louise Hay. Read this with as much feeling and belief as you can --- allow yourself to feel it, see it and claim it as yours!

The Universe is my supply.

I release all resistance to attracting money.

The Universe finds unique ways to increase my prosperity.

Money is my friend.

I open the doors to accepting money.

I let it come in expected and unexpected ways.

I am a channel for all good, including money.

I breathe deeply and know I am blessed.

I am worthy of a positive cash flow.

I smile often, knowing that

I have moved into a new way of thinking

that allows abundance to flow to me.

Louise Hay

Thank God we’re rich!!

Abundant Blessings, Rev. Angelica

Day 9

Did you have fun giving yesterday?

I found a great article to share with you:

Giving To Receive

The most difficult time to be generous is when we ourselves are feeling poor. While some of us have experienced actually being in the red financially, there are those of us who would feel broke even if we had a million dollars in the bank. Either way, as the old adage goes, it is always in giving that we receive. Meaning that when we are living in a state of lack, the very gesture we may least want to give is the very act that could help us create the abundance that we seek. One way to practice generosity is to give energy where it is needed. Giving money to a cause or person in need is one way to give energy. Giving attention, love, or a smile to another person are other acts of giving that we can offer. After all, there are people all over the world that are hungry for love.

Sometimes when we practice generosity, we practice it conditionally. We might be expecting to "receive back" from the person to whom we gave. We might even become angry or resentful if that person doesn't reciprocate. However, trust in the natural flow of energy, and you will find yourself practicing generosity with no strings attached. This is the purest form of giving. Remember that what you send out will always come back you. Selflessly help a friend in need without expecting them to return the same favor in the same way, and know that you, too, will receive that support from the universe when you need it. Besides, while giving conditionally creates stress (because we are waiting with an invisible balance sheet to receive our due), giving unconditionally creates and generates abundance. We give freely, because we trust that there is always an unlimited supply.

Being aware of how much we are always supported by the universe is one of the keys to abundance and generosity. Consciously remember the times you've received support from expected and unexpected sources. Remember anyone who has helped you when you've needed it most, and bless all situations that come into your life for the lessons and gifts they bring you. Remember that all things given and received emanate from generosity. Giving is an act of gratitude. Plant the seeds of generosity through your acts of giving, and you will grow the fruits of abundance for yourself and those around you.


Today, as our spiritual practice, let’s do what this last paragraph says … remember with gratitude all those who have given to us.

Thank God we’re rich!!

Abundant Blessings, Rev. Angelica

Day 8

When we think about prosperity, we are normally thinking about receiving. Recognize that receiving is only half of the equation, that giving and receiving are two dimensions of the same law.

As Deepak Chopra writes in, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success ,

"If you want joy, give joy to others; if you want love, learn to give love; if you want attention and appreciation, learn to give attention and appreciation; if you want material affluence, help others to become materially affluent." All the world's great religions say virtually the same thing on this subject:

as we give, so too do we receive.

Today allow yourself to give as a spiritual practice. Give something without expecting anything in return. Even better, give anonymously. You can give money, or you can give something else. Just give for the sake of giving. Pay attention to how you feel around the experience. Our thoughts and feelings are more important than the act.

Years ago, I noticed a “Wish Book” on the counter of my favourite little store in Hilo. I opened it and saw that a friend of mine wanted a pair of silver feather earrings. I bought them for her, and had the store mail them. It felt so good to just give. However, the next Sunday when she came to church wearing the earrings, I had to fight with myself to keep quiet. As she told me the story of receiving them in the mail, I wanted to say “I did it – I did it.” It made me wonder how much I give to get.

The Universe gives without expectations. Can you?

Thank God we’re rich!!

Abundant Blessings, Rev. Angelica

Day 7

Louise writes:

Re: abundance - My big challenge is to expand in all areas of my life ..

Why? Because in this last year my life has totally come together in all areas.

I have a steady dependable income, great heath, many new social friends and many social events every month.

As I study S.O.M., Ernest Holmes says there is no limit to expansion in my life.

I have a hard time with the idea of more quality and expansion in my life.

I am working to be open to more ..and more.

I just don’t understand what more I could want or dream about.

Any ideas would certainly be helpful.

Congratulations Louise!! I know you are where you are because you have done the work to attain the consciousness of abundance in your life. What could you want or dream about? How about simply “more good.”

Our program is called “Thank God I’m Rich” and this is the consciousness we are embodying. Each of us is going to have a different concept of what “rich” means to them. Here’s another definition:

Dr. Eric Butterworth writes in “Spiritual Economics:”

“The goal should not be to make money or acquire things, but to achieve the consciousness through which the Infinite Substance will flow when and as you need it.”

This is the consciousness that always feels rich regardless of market fluctuations and balance sheet indicators. Through this consciousness comes a continuous flow of substance in limitless forms such as creative ideas, inspiration, initiative, and optimism. This consciousness attracts opportunities and resources, i.e. prosperity."

TGIR came about because many people were requesting Treatment for more money in their lives. If a person doesn’t feel the need for more money for themselves, they could start imagining how they could help the lives of people in our world. I don’t have the exact quote, but I once heard that in the Quoran it states that it is every man’s duty to become rich so they can provide for the poor.

Every non-profit agency is looking for money. I happen to volunteer for the Children’s Wish Foundation of BC … an organization that grants seriously ill children’s wishes. It is such an awesome experience to get to play “fairy godmother” in some small way. Perhaps there’s someone you’d like to start a college fund for … or a woman’s organization you’d like to help. Maybe there’s a single mother in your neighborhood who’d appreciate a bag of groceries. Let your imagination flow!!

First and foremost, the ideas we want to expand are our experiences of the Presence of God. God is the Source and Substance of all there is, including us!! The best way to do that – is to BE GRATEFUL!!

How much can you be grateful for today?

Thank God we’re rich!!

Abundant Blessings, Rev. Angelica

Day 6

It’s Sunday – you deserve a treat:

Give yourself a few minutes of blessings -- click on this link (Or copy and paste it into your browser) and watch this brief inspiring and visually beautiful little film

It will remind you of your incredible abundance here and now!

PS – even if you’ve already seen this film, let yourself see it with new eyes. You Are Blessed!

Rev. Angelica

Day 5

One of you writes “You keep talking about trusting. How do I do that?”

Years ago I discovered an acronym for Trust:






To me, this statement says ‘Let go, Let God.’ Get out of the mental lands of “what if,” move out of fear, and let the Infinite Intelligence of the Universe do what It does best. Let It move the wheels of creation until your desire seems to pop out of the invisible into the visible. Of course, this doesn’t mean a pot of gold will magically appear on your doorstep (though it could if you believed). It means that somehow the right people will be in the right place with the right materials, and you will manifest what you have asked for. Do we need to know how it is going to come about or when? Well, maybe ‘when’ J I know I am going to be in Hawaii on September 23rd for a party at which I am the guest of honour!! I plan to leave Vancouver on the 21st and return on October 2 or dates close to those. So there’s the ‘when.’ The Law of Attraction has already been activated. Now I totally rely upon Spirits timing to bring me the resources to purchase my tickets at the best price – or even bring me the tickets!

I don’t need to know HOW, I just know what I require. The Law does the rest. I have the belief that I am always provided for – and in a first class manner. In other words, things always come out better than I could imagine, so why should I worry about the details?

When we learn to trust the Universe,

we shall be happy, prosperous and well.

We must learn to accept the fact that

Nature’s table is ever filled.

Never was there a Cosmic famine.

Ernest Holmes

Abundant Blessings, Rev. Angelica

Day 4

You’ve done good work:

You’ve declared it your intention to have the consciousness of living an abundant life.
You’ve defined what that means to you.
You’ve made a affirmation that Divine Mind is assisting you in attaining the consciousness of something you desire….

Now, relax.

Be still. Be still. Be still.
God in the midst of you is substance.
God in the midst of you is love.
God in the midst of you is wisdom.
Let not your thoughts be given to lack,
but let wisdom fill them
with the substance and faith of God.
Let not your heart be a center of
resentment fear or doubt.
Be still and know that
at this moment it is the
altar of God, of love;
love so sure and unfailing,
love so irresistible and magnetic
that it draws your supply to you
from the great storehouse of the universe.
Trust God,
use God's wisdom,
prove and express God's love.
Myrtle Fillmore
Founder of Unity

Abundant Blessings, Rev. Angelica

One of my great delights is hearing how demonstrations come about. Let me know the results! And when you do, if you don’t mind my sharing with the group, let me know that as well. I find that our sharing is like ‘priming the pump’ for the rest of us.

Carlyne in Las Vegas writes: “I was looking for a product, this morning and it literally jumped off the shelf onto the floor. A demonstration of GOD = GOOD within.”

Fred writes “I received an offer for a new Inspection Contract with a new national firm for the Puget Sound area, just 2 hours after your e-mail. It was unsolicited by me and a delightful surprise.”

WHOO HOO! See what setting an intention can do!!!

Day 3

Yesterday we looked at how we defined abundance …

Here’s one I have always liked - it says it all!

“Prosperity is being able to do what I want, when I want, with whom I want.”

Raymond Charles Barker

Ernest Holmes writes in the 365 Science of Mind, page 242:

“The time has come to open your inward vision and look out upon a new and broader horizon. You are at that place in your growth where there is complete certainty before you. You shall continuously expand and experience more and more of that Life which is already perfect. There is no reason why this awakening will not come now, for you are not waiting on God … God is waiting on you. All nature awaits your recognition and even the Divine Spirit must await your cooperation with It.”



What would you like to manifest? _______________________________

(For instance: I want to manifest the airline tickets to be in Hawaii next month for my former churches’ 20 anniversary.)

In order to have anything, we must have the consciousness of that thing first... so here's an affirmation:

Divine Mind now assists me in attaining the consciousness of ________________.

(Divine Mind now assists me in attaining the consciousness of being in Hawaii next month.)

Breathe!! Let go and let the Law do Its work.


Abundant Blessings, Rev. Angelica

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Day 2 ---

Yesterday we set our intention to increase our consciousness of abundance.

So - What is Abundance?

According to the dictionary:

  1. A more than plentiful quantity of something.
  2. Affluence – a lifestyle with more than adequate material provisions.
  3. Fullness – a fullness of Spirit that overflows.

I like all three definitions – especially #3

Years ago, while teaching a prosperity class, I asked my students this question: “What is abundance to you?”

  • A young, single mother said “lots of food in my refrigerator”
  • (definition #1)
  • A teenager said “Having a house in Kona, N.Y. City and Rome, Italy, and a Lamborghini.”
  • (definition #2)
  • An older woman said “Just KNOWING I am always provided for.” (definition #3)

Today I invite you to become clear on what YOUR definition of abundance is. Remember - your intention to live an abundant life will become manifest by what you believe abundance to be.