Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 13 –

If you’re on Rev. Dr. Mary Manin Morrissey’s mailing list, you probably received this e-mail the other day. It goes so well with our Letting Go theme last week, I decided to share it with you…

Order is the first law of the Universe.

If you wish for a finer environment or nicer things, alter your thinking right where you are.

If you are working for success, look at your life. If order is the first law of the Universe, and it is, then it must also be reflected in physical life.

Is your house organized? Your car? Your office? Your purse or wallet? One's personal space is a reflection of their mind.

As you organize your external world you will begin to notice that you'll start attracting the more of the results you want.

And, hey, with order in your environment, you can find what you're looking for, as well.

Jeff sent me this note after receiving the e-mail:

“I have learned a very valuable lesson in how disorder and clutter can keep our good from us. Inspired by her message, I set out to clean off my desk, which was in horrendous shape...notes and papers everywhere. I barely had enough room for the computer!

On the desk were coupons a friend had sent me last year...LAST YEAR!...for a free meal at a local restaurant. AND I found a couple of other little freebies that I missed out on because I "lost" them in the clutter on my desk.

It made me wonder how much good other people are letting slip through their hands because of the disorder in their living environments. So for me, this is a wake-up call, not only for better housekeeping, but for keeping the channels free for the Universe to send my good to me...PLUS, by keeping the clutter under control, you don't have to be embarrassed about the mess when someone drops by unexpectedly! “

I know it’s impossible to all our clearing work in one week, so I suggest that as we continue on our Campaign, you pick one thing a day, or a week, to completely clear and organize. Create a schedule today – and then stick to it. Remember this is all about clearing the clutter from our consciousness to make room for the new.

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