Friday, June 22, 2007

Day 50 of Round 3

I got a wonderful e-mail from a friend in Hawaii, that made me remember an important part of expanding our prosperity consciousness .... NOTICING!

The Universe is always showering us with what we've asked for (consciously or unconsciously), and when we allow ourselves to notice it, we will discover we are richer and more powerful than we thought! Sometimes when our good comes into our lives and we don't notice it, it seems to fade away. (that's when we usually notice it -- "Oh, no! I missed that opportunity!") Sometimes it's right under our noses!

NOTICING is accomplished by staying in the moment and paying attention.

Claim your good and NOTICE what you attract today!!

Thank God We're Rich!!

10 more days of this Round -- I'm looking forward to demonstration stories!!
e-mail me:

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