Saturday, June 30, 2007
Dr. Bernie Siegel once wrote: "Life is an opportunity for you to contribute love in your own way."
Round 3 has been about opening up to our greater potential, allowing ourselves to give of our Selves in ways that work best for us, and opening to receive all the benefits this attracts to us. I KNOW that our participation in Life on a conscious level is what makes us feel rich!!
Contribute Love in your own way today!!
Thank God We're Rich!
Friday, June 29, 2007
With only 3 more days of this Round, it is time to review.
Some times with a program like this, we start out enthusiastic, ready to change our lives!! Then as the days go by, and we are involved in our daily affairs, the enthusiasm wears off. After a while, we decide it wasn't really working anyway, and thereby give ourselves an excuse as to why we might not have achieved what we first set in motion.
"Success is a peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you are capable." - Coach John Wooden
"Did I do my best?" If the answer is a resounding YES, Great!! If it was a more quiet no, one thing we do know is that we can always start again, right from where we are!!
Thank God We're Rich!!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Dr. Eric Butterworth writes in Spiritual Economics:
Here is an affirmation treatment...
I am secure, for I know who I am; a richly endowed child of God.
I am secure in all I do, for I know my oneness with the divine process.
I am secure in all I have, for know my treasure is in my mind, not in my things.
I live my life from day to day as if God's supportive substance were as exhaustless and dependable as the air I breathe,
which it most certainly is."
Read this aloud, with all the feeling and belief you can. It is our Truth!!
Thank God We're Rich!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
I opened a book for inspiration for today's TGWR e-mail, and in big letters was written was "Ask for help."
It made me wonder how many of us are trying to power our way into a prosperity consciousness. How many of us still have the belief in "having to do everything ourselves."
Granted, the only way we can change our consciousness is to do it ourselves, however, as Ernest Holmes wrote: "There is a Power for Good in this Universe and we can use it." In Religious Science we "ask" by stating a thing as if we already have it. Perhaps it is time, to make our declarations and then let the Law do Its work. It is reliable, trustworthy, and loving. It always has our highest good in Mind.
So - I now know that each of us has within us all that is necessary to the fulfillment of our good. I know the Law is at work for us at the level of our belief. I declare we have upleveled our prosperity consciousness, and are now experiencing the effects of our work.
This is a very good thing for which I am heartily grateful.
And so It is.
Thank God We're Rich!
PS We only have 7 more days of Round 3. WOW -- think what we can do!!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The common meaning of gratitude is to be thankful for benefits received. While this is important, I feel the energy of gratitude is one of the most powerful attracting forces in the universe. A heart filled with Thanksgiving, even when appearances tell us we are mired in scarcity, conflict, and affliction, moves us to a higher frequency in consciousness – and we soon witness reality shining through the illusion. ~John Randolph Price
This day is a Great Day to have a heart filled with Gratitude!Thank God We're Rich!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Day 51 of Round 3
"How much better it would be if we could think as a child thinks,
abandoning ourselves to the
integrity of the miracle-working universe in which we live.
If the warmth of the sun can melt an iceberg,
why should it not follow that there must be
something in us that can
dissolve any difficulty, remove any obstruction;
We should consciously practice
having faith,
just as we would practice to become a musician.
. . . there must be persistency
until finally old thought patterns melt
and give way to new ones of... LIVING WITHOUT FEAR."
Ernest Holmes
365 Science of Mind
Friday, June 22, 2007
I got a wonderful e-mail from a friend in Hawaii, that made me remember an important part of expanding our prosperity consciousness .... NOTICING!
The Universe is always showering us with what we've asked for (consciously or unconsciously), and when we allow ourselves to notice it, we will discover we are richer and more powerful than we thought! Sometimes when our good comes into our lives and we don't notice it, it seems to fade away. (that's when we usually notice it -- "Oh, no! I missed that opportunity!") Sometimes it's right under our noses!
NOTICING is accomplished by staying in the moment and paying attention.
Claim your good and NOTICE what you attract today!!
Thank God We're Rich!!
10 more days of this Round -- I'm looking forward to demonstration stories!!
e-mail me:
Thursday, June 21, 2007
"Daily we must train our thought to see only that which we wish to experience; and since we are growing into what we are mentally dwelling upon, we should put all small and insignificant thoughts and ideas out of our thinking and see things in a larger way."
-- Ernest Holmes
What are you dwelling on lately? Is it that finished kingdom your heart desires -- or are you focused on all the little bumps on the Path to get here?
Thank God We're Rich!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
I found some great affirmations in "Money Stuff" a book by Larry Winget. Read the list, paying attention to your body as you do so. Take the one you resonate to and say it as many times as you desire, with all the feeling and belief you can!
My world is abundant!
I am rich and getting richer.
I have more than enough money to pay for anything I want, any time I want it.
My pocket is always full of money.
My checking account always has more than enough to pay all of my obligations.
I have more than I need and all that I want.
I have surplus money!
I expect abundance and success, therefore I get abundance and success.
Money comes at me from all directions.
Every where I turn, there are people there to do me good.
My mail and my phone bring me good news and great wealth.
My calendar is always full of profitable, fun, exciting opportunities.
I speak words of love and wisdom.
I serve others.
I am ready for opportunities to do good for others.
I give freely and lovingly of all that I have.
I am always thankful.
Thank God We're Rich!!
"The moment that you realize that giving is the key to your own abundance,
you will also see that prosperity is readily available."
-- Dr. Wayne Dyer
Allow yourself to give some money to someone within the next 24 hours ... it doesn't matter who - just do it. Not to pay a debt, or out of duty - just to have the joy of giving. Do it with gratitude for being able to give.
Feel how prosperous giving feels!!
Thank God We're Rich!
Monday, June 18, 2007
'My promise to you is to always give you what you ask.
Your promise is to ask.'
-- The Voice of God in Conversations with God, Book 1
How are you asking? Are you asking with a background belief running that says there isn't enough to go around? Are you asking with a feeling of not really being deserving?
Get over it!!
The Truth of You is that you are way more than you think you are! You are God's own Self. Start asking with an attitude. You deserve it all - and Mother Nature herself will tell you there is more than enough!!
Thank God We're Rich!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey writes:
"Consider the work you do a sacred practice. Regardless of whether you cut hair, run a household or manage a corporation, do your job with enthusiasm. Share ideas, speak positively, and raise spirits. Not only will you take greater pleasure from your work, you will be heeding your Higher occupation, which is to labor for Love."
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Day 42 of Round 3
Contemplate this today:
"I have unbounded faith in the omnipresent substance increasing and multiplying at my word of plenty, plenty, plenty."
- Rev. Edwene Gaines
Plenty of Love, plenty of money, plenty of health, plenty of friends, plenty of soul-satisfying well-paying work,Plenty of Spirit in our lives!!
Thank God we're rich!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
"If you're not happy with what you have, how could you be happier with more?"
Where would you say your happiness level is right now? Think about it for a moment.
If your mind immediately went to past problems, or future challenges ... take a breath and CHANGE YOUR MIND!
Right now you are sitting at your computer, reading this e-mail. Whether you are at work, at home, or perhaps at an internet cafe ... right NOW there are absolutely no problems. There is only you, your consciousness, and what ever you are doing at this moment.
Our life is made up of NOW moments. The more we can be happy with the present moments, the more happy moments there will be.
Ask yourself - What am I happy about RIGHT NOW? Make a list.
I am happy to have the connection with my internet "community" .... looking at Daisy, my cat, curled up in her bed behind my flat screen makes me happy .... I'm happy I have a flat screen ... I'm happy I can turn my head and look out the sliding door at tall cedar trees .... I am happy I can see .... I am happy my heart is beating, my fingers work, I have a comfortable chair, a roof over my head .....
As I write my list, I realize ....... right NOW I am happy. My happiness is a magnet for more happiness.
My happiness makes me feel rich. And that's a good thing.
Thank God we're rich!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Our wealth is generated from the consciousness of being in the energetic of supply all the time. The Cause of everything (the Kingdom) is within the field of consciousness. Our relationship to it is one of drawing it through our own mind and into the manifest world.
Start today to boldly affirm: I am a living, breathing expression of Spiritual wealth. My life reveals its magnificent abundance. I am rich in all good things. My wealth is a gift to the world.
I am grateful for the bounty that is mine to share.
Rev. Carol Carnes
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Day 39 of Round 3
A Spiritual Mind Treatment for Money.
I now subconsciously accept this treatment. There is only one Creative Cause, God. There is only one Mind, There is only one Life, God. There is only one Substance, God. This present universe is the glory of God. It is a moving, flexible, fluid creation. It is alive with the Life, The Abundance, and the richness of God. I abide in prosperity. Mind created me in order that it might act through me. Therefore, I am receptive to its abundance. I am receptive to its circulation in my life in the form of money.
Money is God's idea of circulation in my world of finance. I accept this idea completely. I appreciate this idea, I like it. Money being God in Action, is absolute good, it is wholesome. It is a blessing to man and I prosper with it. I have no fear of lack for I believe I have plenty of money.
It is God's Activity in my world. It is God's Activity in my bank account. It is God's Activity in my investments. It is God's Activity in everything to which I lay my hands. This money is flowing, this money is free. I do not attempt to lock it up. I do not put a fence around it. It is gods' money, I let it flow in. I let it flow out.
As I release it, I know that it comes back to me, pressed down, shaken together and running over. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." I am now free in money. I rejoice in it. I appreciate it and I thank God for it. I have money forever more. And so it is.
Dr. Raymond Charles Barker
Saturday, June 09, 2007
A few days ago I asked you to review your original intention for this round. Here are some questions for you:
1. Is your heart still in the desire for what seems to be taking so long to arrive?
2. Have you released the intention to Spirit - or are you "managing" the intention with your will?
3. Are you really willing to be what your desired fulfillment will require you to be?
"I know that the Spirit within me
is my strength and abundance.
I approach life with a sense of
security and well-being.
I know I have a secret source in God.
I believe in myself because I believe in God."
Ernest Holmes
365 Science of Mind
Thank God We're Rich!!
Friday, June 08, 2007
"My atmosphere is attracting the Good; it is constantly on the alert to see and know the Good, and to bring it into my experience.
There is that within me that calls forth abundance and happiness from Life. I am surrounded with an atmosphere of Peace, Poise and Power.
All who come in contact with that great Calm of my Life are made strong and confident, are healed and whole."
Ernest Holmes, Meditations for Self-Help, Science of Mind
Thursday, June 07, 2007
This paragraph came in an e-mail I received this morning:
Albert Einstein loved thinking – he was excited over the thoughts that surfaced. In fact, those who worked with him reported that he was often “gleeful” with an idea. This is exactly why Albert Einstein changed our world instead of just thinking about changing it. Albert got emotionally involved with his ideas. He visualized their physical result on the screen of his mind and, to everyone else’s surprise, those ideas became realities that changed our world’s perspective.
Are you getting emotionally involved with your ideas? What a great way to be in relationship with The Divine! Feel the joy of your ideas, feel grateful for all you have ever had, all you have now, and all that is coming.
Feel prosperous!!
Thank God we're rich!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
In "Creating Affluence" Deepak Chopra writes:
"When we relinquish our need to constantly classify things as good or bad, right or wrong, then we experience more silence in our consciousness. Our internal dialogue begins to quieten when we shed the burden of judgment, and it is easier to access the gap."
Have you been judging or labeling yourself in regards to prosperity? According to the Law of Attraction, whatever we think and feel about ourselves will outpicture in our world. Breathe deeply right now, let go of all the needs and wants, and let yourself settle into the gap.In "the gap" we begin to understand that we are already all that we desire to be.
And we Thank God we're rich!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
"You are gods who have forgotten who they are.
You are emperors who have fallen asleep
and are dreaming that they have become beggars.
Now beggars are trying to become emperors,
in dreams they are making great efforts to become emperors,
and all that is needed is to wake up!"
- Osho
I love this quote!! I KNOW it is our Truth.
We are already all that we desire to be!
Let's wake up together!
Monday, June 04, 2007
Where you are in consciousness has everything to do with what you see in experience. -- Eric Butterworth |
I KNOW the quote above is true. I believe it is my job to light the way for a change in consciousness -- in particular my own! I am ready and willing to do whatever I must to experience the good the Universe has in store for me -- and It can do for me what It can do through me! I am expanding my consciousness to know more of my Self in every area of my life!!
Isn't this why you are reading them?
Thank God We're Rich!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Many years ago, I remember sitting in the car of my teacher, Rev. Helen Street. She had given me a ride home from a prosperity course she was teaching. I started to cry and told her I was doing everything she told us to do: I was asking, I was giving, I was tithing .... yet nothing was changing! I was still in debt and my income wasn't increasing. She looked at me very seriously and asked "Who haven't you forgiven?"
As I worked with this question, I was surprised to find out just how connected forgiveness and debt are. I followed my feelings about certain debts back to their originating point, I came to places I had refused to forgive either myself or others. As I did the forgiveness work (and remember, all prosperity work is done in our mind and heart) I found that the old debts became unstuck !!
If you're in the place I was at that time, I'll have to ask you: "Who haven't you forgiven?"
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Yesterday I mentioned we were at the half way point of round 3. Maybe it's time to look back at Day 1 and see what our intention was for this Round. As we live our busy lives, it is easy to get mesmerized by the world way of thinking.... and we all know what that is -- "not enough!"
Shake off any ideas of limitation you might have allowed to stick to your consciousness. The Truth is God is our Source ... and it is up to us to decide how to use the Power of our Source! It's not up to anyone else and no facts can destroy the Truth!
"Be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind." Choose again the intention you started with --- or even review and refresh it!
Thank God We're Rich!