Saturday, March 07, 2009

Round 5, Day 56

“No creative process can begin until a decision is made.”

Raymond Charles Barker, The Power of Decision

One of the things I know is that when we are being bombarded with messages of doom and gloom, a decision to live in Truth has to be made on a daily basis! Otherwise we fall into the world way of thinking. Since we manifest what we predominantly think and feel, then if we have allowed ourselves to think in the world way, we will find “proof” in our lives, that what ‘they’ are saying is true. It is NOT!!

Re-establish the creative process over and over by choosing to live in an abundant world, until it is second nature, and nothing can shake you from being Centered.

Affirmation: I live richly. Anything else is not in my Reality.

Thank God We’re Rich

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