Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day 3

The word "Prosperity" means different things to each of us. For some, prosperity might mean a full refrigerator, for others, a new car. And for some it could also mean the ability to do what they want, when they want, with whom they want.

How do you define Prosperity? As we are working towards being more prosperous together, make sure the definition you have is the one you want, not someone else's!

Your assignment today is to get a notebook, or create a file on your computer, titled THANK GOD I'M RICH!! Start your book by writing your intention for this time period on the first page, so you see it every time you open it. On today's page, write your definition of Prosperity ... this might changes as you move through the 57 days ahead of us, so leave some space to make additions or corrections.

Perhaps you might even want to start listing 5 things you are grateful for each day.


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