Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 16

A few days ago, I asked you to pay attention to your self talk .... I'm knowing you noticed some things you could change, and did so right away!!

Now I'd like you to listen to other's conversations. How many people do you know who are always talking about money? Sit in a coffee shop in a mall one day and listen to how money is prevalent in our conversation. People are talking about their lack of money, (IE: I want to do this, but I can't afford it) or how much something cost that they bought. Sometimes the later conversation is because they got a good deal, and sometimes there is a tinge of "I'm better because I paid so much."

All of these stories are limiting our good. People with a prosperity consciousness don't talk about how much things cost or how valuable they are, unless asked, and sometimes not even then. Nor do they complain about not being able to afford something. They just KNOW.

I ask you to do this exercise because the limiting conversations are active in the One Mind, and unless we focus on what we want to express, we will be constantly mesmerized by the world's stories.

Wake up! And thank God we're rich!!

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