Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 22 -

A friend of mine was recently given the opportunity to choose a painting by a well-known artist. She was in awe of the gift being given, and was deciding which one of the two she liked best, when the artist said “Take both.”

She knew how much this artists work sold for, and the thought that he would just give her two expensive paintings was too much for her to handle. She chose one and accepted it as the gift.

Since I heard this story I’ve been thinking about how when we block our good – we block not only our own, but someone else’s as well. When my friend refused the second painting because she felt she couldn’t accept such an expensive gift, she blocked her flow and his! Was it blocked forever? Of course not – only for the moment.

I’ve done this as well – we probably all have. Let’s remember that prosperity is a circle – it comes in and goes out. It is given and received. When we participate with grace and gratitude, we are more open the Universal Energy, and being more open, more comes in and more goes out.

Where have you blocked your receiving? Can you see how you might have blocked the givers good? Journal about this today.

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