Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 60 –

Yesterday I received wonderful news and was so in awe of the reception of the news as it was shared that I forgot to write Day 60!!

This has been a momentous Campaign for me. So many wonderful delights, and yesterday I received word I am now the new Senior Pastor of the Center for Spiritual Living, Baltimore, Maryland.

It means moving across the continent, returning to the United States, giving up family of choice and friends here. It means BIG changes in my life. Changes that I initiated by being willing to risk.

What are you willing to risk to have what you desire? Definitely we need to risk giving up the old consciousness for the new. We need to risk stepping off the cliff of the known into the unknown.

What I know for sure is that when we are willing to take the risk, and take the first step, the whole Universe rushes forward to support us in our endeavors!!

I thank you for joining me on this adventure in prosperity consciousness. I KNOW for you that Life is blessing you greatly. Open your arms, your heart, and your mind to receive.

Prosperous Blessings to you, Rev. Angelica

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 59 –

Tomorrow is our last day of Campaign #6. In the past 60 days I have been given so many gifts. Gifts of money, food, help, clothing, things for my dog, a trip to Hawai’i, a trip to the East Coast and awesome possibilities – it has been so wonderful to open my heart and mind to receive more of Life’s blessings – and experience the blessings continually flowing in!!

My Intention for this campaign was to be debt-free by the end. Am I? No – not quite. I could be depressed because I set that Intention and “it didn’t work,” but I choose not to bring that energy into my process. I know it’s about my consciousness!! In Hawai’i, the oriental people have a tradition of paying all their debts, in cash, before the New Year. So this is my new goal – to continue to expand my consciousness to receive and be debt-free before December 31.

Now – what was your intention and how did you do? Did you consciously participate in the Campaign? Did you do the work suggested? How have you changed because of it? What have you been focusing on?

For something fun today – let me share a great little article:

Quick! What's the very first thing that springs into your mind when you read or hear the M-word? (M-o-n-e-y.)

For many people that first thing isn't necessarily pleasant. And for others there's a fleeting flicker of delight as they imagine having plenty of it, winning the lottery or the like, which just as quickly fades into a more familiar "not enough" feeling instead.

It's not surprising. After all, most of us have been carefully trained, taught, even indoctrinated our whole lives to believe that money is scarce, that it's hard to come by, that only people who have any ever get more, that it's the cause of all the world's troubles ... and on and on and on.

Loads of heavy baggage packed with negativity on the simple subject of something we really cannot do without.

And it's all just so SERIOUS and HEAVY and ... ugh.
So since we already KNOW that we attract/create our own experience through our thinking, how about we just UNpack some of that mental baggage and ditch some of the seriousness so we can stop creating and attracting more stuff like THAT?
How about we just lighten up and have some FUN with all of this? When you're having fun your thoughts aren't focused on lack of anything, right? ;-)

For myself, I have decided that whenever the M-word comes up in conversation or my own thinking in any way that doesn't thoroughly delight me, I am going to quietly, secretly substitute another word — a silly word that has NONE of those negative connotations.

I've been doing this for a while now with family and friends, too (not just quietly and secretly), and it's not only fun, it highlights immediately just how silly all the negativity is.

I highly recommend the practice!

You can choose any word that strikes you as ridiculous. For me, the funniest word in the English language (and I don't know why) is this:

(I know, I know. Totally juvenile. Pretty much the humor of a seven-year-old. And that's probably why it works so well!)

Try it for yourself:
"I'd like to have a new car, but I don't have enough underpants."
"Invest in THAT? No way! It's too risky. I could lose all my underpants."
"Do you think underpants grow on trees?"
"I like the job but the underpants are awful."
"Underpants can't buy happiness."
"He's got more underpants than he knows what to do with."
"Never throw good underpants after bad."
"Underpants aren't everything, you know."
"I wouldn't do that for love nor underpants."
"Always be sure to save some underpants for a rainy day."
"No matter how hard I try or what I do, I just NEVER have enough underpants."

Oh, I could go on and on! In fact, a couple of days ago I introduced this scathingly brilliant concept to my mom and brother, and we sat out on Mom's patio playing with it until we had tears streaming down our faces from laughing at ourselves so hard.
(I suppose goofiness runs in the family. Later that day when Mom said she was getting ready to throw a load of "delicates" in the washer we accused her of money laundering.)

Ah, yes: We live in a world of infinite underpants!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 58 –

Today being Friday the 13th, I started thinking about superstitions about money…

Money is dirty
Rich people aren’t happy
If I have money, my friends won’t like me.
Money corrupts people
It’s better to give than receive

And of course the infamous: Money is the root of all evil.

What superstitions about money do you have? Superstitions can be powerful because somewhere in you they resonate - they support (or possibly contradict) a belief you may have deep down.

Let yourself journal about any superstitions that might be influencing you. Then cross them out and write an affirmation to fill their place in your subjective mind.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 56 –

Read this as if YOU wrote it – with all the feeling and belief you can achieve!

My Own Shall Come To Me

From far and near my own shall come to me.
Even now it is coming to me and I receive it.
My own is now manifesting itself to me, and I see and know its presence.
My own shall know and respond to me.
My own cannot be kept from me, neither can I keep my good away from me.
I receive my good NOW.
My own shall find me. No matter where I go, it will follow and claim me.
I cannot hide myself from my own.
My own shall come to me, even though I deny it; for there is nothing in me that can hinder it from entering and taking possession of my Soul.
My own is now expressed.
And so it is.

Dr. Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind

Monday, November 09, 2009

Day 55 –

A good day to pray:

I ______________, recognize the wonderfully working powers of The Divine in my life today! I know this power is both love and law. Love points the way, and Law makes the way possible.

I believe in the possible, not the impossible. Therefore I know everything I need for my highest good and greatest joy is at hand. I am open to receive all of Life’s blessings now and forever more.

My financial life is now blessed beyond measure. I see myself fear free. No longer do I worry about how and when. Everything is always provided. I trust – I absolutely trust.

I see myself serving my world in my increased abundance. It is such a great feeling to be able to give and to know I am doing something for the greater good of all.

As I celebrate my abundance – I also celebrate the abundance of everyone on the Thank God We’re Rich Campaign. I am so grateful to be doing my part in elevating the consciousness of humanity.

I release these words into the Law of Mind with Love – knowing the Law always works. And so It is.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Day 54 –

6 more days until the end of this Round. How are you doing?

You might be thinking – “6 more days – well, I didn’t manifest all I had intended in the beginning – might as well quit now.”

“It doesn’t work – might as well quit now” is a common phrase among those of us who’ve been brought up with ‘fast food thinking.’ We want something and we want it now, and if it doesn’t come quickly, we give up. We might even say things to excuse our giving up like “Well, God must not have meant for me to have my desires at this time” or “It wasn’t meant to be.”

Let me remind you that there is nothing ‘out there’ that withholds our good. It is totally us. Perhaps we didn’t get committed to the idea and didn’t do the work necessary, which really means we didn’t believe it was possible in the first place. Spiritual Law says whatever we believe, is what we manifest!

‘Fast food thinking’ carries within it the idea of getting something for little or no work, and sorry, folks, this just isn’t true. Everything requires work – first of all in consciousness.

Now for some good news: ‘Fast food thinking’ also has within it the concept of ‘at the last minute.’ Think of the old western movies, where the wagons are circled, the occupants are outnumbered by the bad guys surrounding them, and suddenly you hear bugles and John Wayne and the calvary come riding over the nearest mountain! Everyone breathes a collective sigh of relief. They are saved!

If you think back over your financial experiences, I’ll bet you find some instances where, at the very last minute, everything came together, and you were able to breathe again.

There is no time in the Universe – only in our minds – and who knows if right before you quit the manifestation was ready to pop through!!

So – don’t quit! Instead think ‘ Yes! I still have 6 days to prove this stuff works!! I know nothing is impossible to those who believe!

Friday, November 06, 2009

Day 53 –

Listening to our self talk is a good way to tune into what could be blocking our greater good.

Yesterday I asked you to listen for “I can’t afford it” or variations of that phrase. What other excuses for limitation are you using?

In your journal, draw a line down the middle of the page, top to bottom … on the left hand side, write down some of those limiting phrases. On the right hand side, write down their opposite. For instance:

I can’t afford it. I choose not to spend the money now.

After you make your lists, read the two sides - -which one feels more powerful?? Now cross out the limiting side and set your intention to use only power full phrases!!

I KNOW we are a lot more abundant than we think!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Day 52 –

Have you heard yourself saying “I can’t afford it” lately?

Wayne Dyer, in his new book “Excuses Be Gone,” writes:

“I call this belief lame and a cop out, yet there seems to be almost universal agreement for its existence.

You originated in a world of abundance, which you unquestionably have the ability to access.

Whenever you discourage yourself with thoughts that your financial situation is preventing anything from appearing, that's an excuse. If you instead decide to bring abundance awareness into your consciousness, you'll shift your thoughts from I can't afford it to Whatever I need in the form of assistance to guide me in the direction of my life is not only available, but is on its way.”

YES, ‘assistance is on its way!!’ I’d much rather believe that than ‘I can’t afford it’, wouldn’t you?

We know our assistance isn’t going to magically appear. It might look magical, and that’s always fun, but it is really by right of consciousness. It will come about because of our expanding our consciousness to include it.

I KNOW for each one of us today that we receive some unexpected income just because we’ve read this and allowed ourselves to believe it.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Day 51 –

How did it feel to spend a day in Gratitude and Appreciation? It feels great to me – so great that I’m going to suggest that you continue to make it one of your daily spiritual practices!

Since Sarah Ban Breathnach came out with her book “Simple Abundance” in 1995, I have been writing down 5 gratitudes every night. It is the perfect way to end the day – focusing on what I’m grateful for.

As I look back, the entries are rarely about what we might call ‘big’ things. They are about the little things in life. Those little things and my gratitude for them, string together like a beautiful bead necklace, each bead precious in itself, yet together they make a beautiful life!

Today, declare to the Universe:

“I am gratefully open to receiving all I can attract.”

Now - allow yourself to receive with grace and be blessed by your grateful heart.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Day 50 –

Aloha everyone ---

Today is a good day to focus on gratitude and appreciation.

For me, gratitude is a feeling – a feeling of well-being, of knowing the Source of my good and all I have ever had, have now and will have. Appreciation is the expression of that feeling.

In your journal, fill a page with the things you are grateful for. When you are finished, go back over your list, and find the items that really stand out for you. Write a note of appreciation to the person (even if it’s yourself) who helped you have those feelings.

Each of us loves to know we’re appreciated. Make someone's day by copying that note and mailing it!!

What I KNOW is The Divine appreciates You for opening your hearts to experiencing more of Life’s richness.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Day 49 –

Yesterday as I gave my message to the congregation I became even more clear that “It is done unto me as I believe.”

Such a simple statement, yet if we really look at it, and into it, it is so powerful.
Jesus was not the only one who has made this statement. All the great spiritual masters have said the same thing in different ways. Must be important, eh?

What do you REALLY believe about your financial life? Do you truly believe that we have an unlimited Source of all our good, and that our job is to be unlimited receivers?

If not, why not? Journal about this idea today.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Day 48 –

It’s a good day to pray!!

Today I am grateful. Grateful for my conscious awareness of the powerful Presence within me and around me. Grateful for my awareness of how this Presence works in my life. Grateful to know that as I pray, believing it is so, it shall be.

I open my heart even more to the givingness of God. I look around and see what is in my life and bless it with my gratitude. From the fact that I woke up this morning, to the roof over my head, to the things in my home, I am grateful. As I look within and feel the love of family and friends and pets, I am grateful. As I think about the way I express myself in my work, I am grateful.

God, in me, as me, has attracted all that I am, all that I have, and all that I will have. As I bless these things with my gratitude, even more shows up to bless, and for this I am grateful.

I declare I will spend today in the attitude of gratitude, honouring this wonderful process of expanding my prosperity consciousness. I know for everyone participating in this campaign, the same blessings I feel and am experiencing.

We are all prosperous in the heart of God.

I release these words knowing they are so. And so it is.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 47 –

Fears around money are a lot like Halloween costumes. We put them on and we can take them off!!

Today allow yourself to identify one fear around money. Journal about it, and then let it go with love. It has served you well up until now, and it no longer fits with the new consciousness you are developing.

I KNOW we are abundantly supplied in all ways.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 46 –

Even though most of us are focusing on bringing more money into our lives, the Truth is, more money doesn’t solve anything. Yes, it might pay the bills, the rent, buy food, etc., but that’s all temporary. There will be more bills, more rent to pay, more food to buy. The real Truth in prosperity is our consciousness.

This is what we are doing during these campaigns – opening up to a greater consciousness of prosperity and letting go of all that doesn’t serve us.

Here’s an affirmation for today:

Spirit in me, as me, is expressing Its nature as abundance through my experiences. It’s nature is to express, mine is be aware of this Truth, and be receptive. I joyfully let The Divine be my all-sufficiency!

I KNOW we are abundantly supplied in all ways.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 45 -

In Dr. Michael Beckwiths “40 Day Mind Fast Soul Feast” he writes “There are no loopholes in Spiritual Law.”

I wonder how many of us want a pot of gold to show up on our doorstop – or something magical to happen in our lives in regards to our finances – but we’re not willing to do the work?

There are no loopholes in Spiritual Law. It produces effects in exact measure to what we are predominantly thinking about. Today, pay attention to your thoughts. What are you thinking as you pay your bills? What are you thinking as you walk through the market. What are you thinking when you drive into the gas station? Pay attention to how you feel while you are doing these things. What are you putting into Spiritual Law?

If you notice something that isn’t conducive to your good – change your mind! You can do it in an instant!!

I KNOW we are abundantly supplied in all ways.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 44 –

Dr. Holmes, author of the Science of Mind, calls worry ‘negative prayer.’

This came to mind because someone talked to me this morning about waking up every day with concern about how things were going to work out.

If this is happening to you – stop it! You do not want worry being your morning prayer!

How can you stop it? Some ideas:
- The night before set an intention to wake up feeling happy.
- Put a happy music CD in your player and push that button immediately upon waking – or use an alarm clock that is a CD player and have music wake you up.
- As soon as you notice what you’re doing, stop and say “This is not my Reality” and then declare what your Reality is.

If we begin our day with negative prayer, we are setting up a radiating energy that will attract negativity to us. This is not conducive to a prosperity consciousness.

The Truth is there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Everything is in Divine Right Order. Our consciously aligning with this Truth will open doors of opportunity and remove the blocks we might have had to our abundance!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 43

Sometimes we feel our value or our worth is based on our bank balances, or how much money we make at our profession. This is not so. Our value and worth is based on who we believe we are, and what we believe about who we believe we are.

People who believe their value is based on money are looking outside of themselves for their worth.

It shows up like this: Something I hear quite often is “I’m on a fixed income.” It is usually attached to a statement of lack -- “I can’t go on a trip because I’m on a fixed income.”

If we’re thinking in the world way of thinking, this is true.
According to spiritual law, this is also true.

So here’s the good news: You might not be able to change the world effect – but you can change what you’re putting into spiritual law!

You change it with your Feelings! Your value and worth are increased by how you feel about everything you do.

Move into the space of FEELING loved and loving. Move into the space of FEELING grateful. Feeling loved and grateful will change your thinking and changing your thinking will change your life. Watch how prosperous you become!!
Day 42

Something fun for you:

"Can't remember if I told you, but I have moved out from

Beggars Alley , located at # 2 Poverty Lane at the corner of Down and Out Circle.

As of today, I have a brand new home ..

My new address is Living Well on 231 Abundance Terrace,

Located at the corner of Blessings Drive and Prosperity Peak .

It's in the God Can neighborhood.

No longer will I allow myself to travel to the other side of town on

Begging Peter to pay Paul Route, Located at a dead end

Intersection called I Don't Have , which connects with Borrowers Junction!

I no longer hang out at Failure's Place, near Excuses Avenue ,

next to Procrastination Point.

I've moved to an upscale community called Higher Heights

With unlimited potential and opportunities for me to succeed.

Life is good because God is good!

Care to change your address?
There are many vacancies!"

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 41

It’s a good day to pray:

Read the following Spiritual Mind Treatment with as much feeling and belief as you can – I have written it in the first person to make it easier to do so:

There is only One Life – this Life is God’s Life – and this is the Life I am living. In this Life is all the power of the Universe – all the love of the Universe – and It is all for me!!

This Power works for me by working through me – therefore I now make these declarations:
I am ready and willing to receive more good in my life.
I am open to the blessings of abundance today and everyday.

As I make these declarations I see myself experiencing their manifestation in my mind’s eye. I feel what it feels like. And it is good. I trust the Law to work wonders for me as I see and feel these things. I know they are embodied deep in my subjective mind.

I release these words to spiritual Law – knowing the Law works. I am so grateful I can use these Principles to benefit my life and the lives of the people around me. I know they are working for everyone in this campaign!

And so it is

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day 40 -

We are 2/3 the way to the ending of this campaign. Once again I ask us to look at and re-focus our Intention for this Round.

Sometimes what we think are our Intentions stay in the realm of dreams and hopes. To move our hopes and dreams into Intentions, here are some questions:

1. What idea do I have about myself that makes this hope unrealistic?

2. What evidence do I have to support this idea about myself?

3. How else could I interpret this evidence so that I create a new conscious believe about what is possible for me?

4. What new idea would I be willing to entertain about myself that is in harmony with my hope or dream being a true Intention?

5. What action am I willing to take from this new idea?

For example: My Intention is to manifest $10,000.
1. I have no idea where this money will come from.
2. Bills, Bills and since I started this Campaign, even more Bills.
3. Hmm – Bills are a sign of prosperity. If I have Bills, according to the Laws of the Universe, the money is here to pay them.
(Hmm – maybe I should stop capitalizing ‘bills’ – thereby taking away some of the power I have given them in consciousness.)
4. I am willing to Trust that everything is in Divine Order.
5. I declare Divine Right Action is at work whether I see it at this moment or not. I am open to my Intention manifesting right now!
And so it is.

Journal these questions today. I am absolutely willing for all of us to bring our hearts desires into the realm of Intention and manifest them!!

(These questions come from the "Spiritual Psychology for Creative Living" course designed by Rev. Toni Hegge)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day 39 –

A bit more about our imagination –

"Use your imagination until your big dream feels so familiar that the manifestation is the next logical step." -
-- Abraham-Hicks

Don’ t you just love that place in consciousness - - where you know, you just know, that everything is going to work out perfectly?!

I read somewhere that the Universe is conspiring for our greatest good. It can only do this if we know what our greatest good is! How did you do with imagining a wonderfully prosperous day? Expand that to a week, a month, the rest of this year. If your reasoning mind starts in with the “yea buts,” don’ t become attached to anything that comes up. Just thank it for sharing and go back to imagining – you are creating a Great Life!! Have fun with it!!
Day 38

“~ How many artists are in the room? Would you please raise your hands? In Kindergarten and 1st grade, every kid has their hand up there. By 6th grade, not a single hand goes up....... “
I can’t remember where I found this statement, yet I think it’s not only true, but sad. What did we do with our imaginations? We probably coloured some trees pink – or made up animal or fairy friends that we tried to tell our parents were real - and in some way were made to feel less than because we didn’t fit in the norm.
We got the message that having an imagination wasn’t necessarily a good thing,

As we learned about positive thinking, and changing our minds to change our lives, we began to use our will in a more direct way, yet, the imagination wasn’t specifically taught even though it is one of the most powerful tools in our spiritual tool box!

In the glossary of the Science of Mind text, Dr. Holmes ends his definition for “Imagination and will” with this: “Man reproduces the power to create and in his own life controls his destiny through the activity of his word. This word cannot be willed, but it can be imagined or imaged forth into expression.”

And from Abraham-Hicks: “It's not your work to make anything happen. It's your work to dream it and let it happen. Law of Attraction will make it happen. In your joy, you create something, and then you maintain your vibrational harmony with it, and the Universe must find a way to bring it about. That's the promise of Law of Attraction.”

Today let your imagination roam free – Your work is to dream a day of your prosperous life. Journal about what this looks like. Go ahead – play!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Day 37 – TGWR #6

I read an article by 7 year old Sami FitzGerald – and she ended it this way:

Like my mommy says, "laugh, have fun, rest and repeat."

This is your assignment today. We adults tend to get way too serious about life – especially around money. We think we have to micro-manage the Universe. Believe me – It knows way better than we do the how and when, etc. Just make sure you are clear in your intention!

Today drop all your worries and concerns and have some fun. Honest – this is a good thing!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 36 –

An affirmation for today:

I am so grateful for the constancy of the Law

and my willingness to use it.

My good is here NOW.

I rejoice in the anticipation of even more good.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 35 –

"Everything you need you already have. You are complete right now - you are a whole, total person, not an apprentice person on the way to someplace else. Your completeness must be understood by you and experienced in your thoughts as your own personal reality."

- Wayne Dyer

What does it feel like to think of yourself as complete. Can you do it? Or does your mind keep trying to throw in “yea but’s?” “Yea, but I am having a hard time financially” - “yea but I am not in perfect health” - “yea but I am so lonely.”

Sometimes our mind is a lot like our tongue when we’ve been to the dentist – it can’t stay away from the hole or the new filling or whatever was done. It even goes there unconsciously!! We have to focus to stop it!

Dr. Ernest Holmes says the trained mind is the dominant mind. We have to train our minds. We have to focus on the finished result we desire.

Everything you need you already have. You are complete right now.

Pay attention to where your mind wants to go today.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 34 – TGWR #6

Here’s a question for you: “What would your life be like when you get what you’re intending to get?”

Years ago a woman asked me for prayer for the right and perfect mate. A few months went by, and she starting complaining that Spiritual Mind Treatment didn’t work. The man hadn’t shown up – she hadn’t even been asked for a date!

We talked, and she showed me her treasure map. It had a great pictures - of the dress she wanted, the reception she wanted, even a cruise ship for the honeymoon she wanted. Something was strange about it though, and at first I didn’t see it, then I asked her “Where’s the man?” We both burst out laughing as she realized what she had done. She had taken her Vision just so far, and now needed to create a bigger picture and add a very important element.

Journal today about what your life will be like when you get what you’re intending. Make sure you’ve got all the elements in place

Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 33 –

Someone told me that when they looked at their original intention, and realized the Campaign was half over – they began to doubt - and asked “How do you get out of doubt?”

One – Remember that our thoughts and feelings are radiating a vibration. Do we want to radiate doubt and thereby attract experiences that lead us into more doubt?
Or do we want to radiate Trust and thereby attract experiences that lead us into trusting at a deeper level?

Two – Remember how the Law worked in our lives before – remind yourself “Hey – it worked then, it will work now!” The Law is automatic – it has no ability to change its mind and decide not to work.

Three – Distract yourself. Doubt thoughts become insidious, playing over and over again. Distract yourself!! Think about something else. Focus on God! In doubting it is like we are telling God how big our problems are – tell the problems how big our God is instead!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 32 –

What would it take for you to FEEL grateful – probably not much once you start thinking of the people in your life. Yet can you feel grateful for no reason at all – not because of anyone or anything – not for anyone or anything --just BE grateful?

Try this as you move through your day. Gratitude is a powerful magnet!
Day 31 -

One of the major keys to experiencing abundance, is gratitude!

Today start allowing yourself to being grateful for everything!!
You might say – “Well, I don’t feel well”, or “I can’t pay my bills” or “I feel so lonely” – how can I be grateful?

All we are experiencing is an outpicturing of our consciousness. Sorry, but that’s the Truth. Find something in your experience to be grateful for and focus on that!! Don’t feel well – be thankful you’re alive – or that you have the opportunity to be still for awhile. Can’t pay the bills? Be grateful for the opportunity to open up and use these Principles. Feel lonely? Be grateful for the opportunity to step out of yourself and meet new people.

These experiences also give us the opportunity to go within and make the adjustments in consciousness to create life the way we want. Feel grateful for choices!! Be grateful for KNOWING that as you change your thinking and feeling – you change your life!

Be grateful for the infinite intelligence of The One that knows exactly how, when, where, why, etc., and will guide us into our greater good. Be grateful for the unconditionally loving aspect of The One that is consistently giving – and be grateful for your ever increasing ability to receive.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Day 30 -

We’re ½ way though our Campaign!! How are you doing?

Things are changing quickly for a lot of people lately. I’m seeing that most of the changes are good. A friend of mine had been treating for years to be a teacher – and got a job in another province. He had to pack up and move in a month. At first, he was sad that he had to leave beautiful British Columbia and almost said no to the offer, and then he remembered his heart’s desire.

Another person had been struggling with a full-time job, and doing the work she loved part-time. She Treated to know she could do her passion full-time and that it would support her. Then she got notified that she was going to be let-go from her job. At first she was angry at the Universe – and worried about how to make money. Then the company informed her that she’d be getting a severance package. Now she realizes she has the opportunity and the money to do what she really wants to!

A big key here is willingness: Willingness to believe that our word has power. Willingness to trust that spiritual law works. Willingness to step out in faith.

Where are you in your willingness to live your Vision? Journal about this today.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Day 29 -

Mary Manin Morrisey sent this in her e-mail today:

“No desire is felt until the supply is ready to appear.

The minute we have a desire, it is immediately known in the Universal consciousness through the Law of Receiving.

It is at a level that we are not aware of. We are one with the desire and the process of bringing it into time and form is the application of the Laws of the Universe.”

“No desire is felt until the supply is ready to appear.” WOW! How does this affect your thinking!! Most of us think that when we have a desire it might or might not show up. We think it’s not in Mind yet and might be difficult.

“No desire is felt until the supply is ready to appear” makes me feel that as soon as I realize I have a desire, nothing can stop its manifestation! It’s ready to appear.

I like this belief – and we all know “It’s done unto us as we believe.”

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Day 28 -

“If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart.” ~ Buddha

I got an e-mail asking to be removed from our Campaign because it doesn’t work. I wanted to write back and ask if the person was actually doing the work – or were the exercises scary? But I didn’t, I just thanked them for participating in the way they did and removed them.

But I’ll ask you (and myself) – Are you doing the work with all your heart and mind? Do the exercises scare you? This is all about stepping through our fear!! It is our fear that is creating the blocks to our receiving. It is fear that keeps us stuck.

One thing I’ve noticed about fear is that when we face it - admit that we’re afraid – and then consciously take a deep breath and start moving forward regardless of appearances – the fear dissipates. Where there seemed to be a huge WALL – there is now only mist that is evaporating in the sun.

Today look back at your intention for this Campaign, and re-dedicate yourself to it! I KNOW Spiritual Law works!

Monday, October 05, 2009

Day 27 -

Let’s start this week with a Spiritual Mind Treatment:

One Power – One Mind – One Heart – One Presence that fills the universe – is the Universe itself and everything in it, including me.

I breathe deeply and let myself be aware of this awesome Presence in and around me. It is loving and intelligent and here for me.

Today I open my mind and heart to embody more God. God is my good and as I turn within, more good flows out into my world. All of my challenges are easily met and resolved. My mind is clear to vision a new abundant life. My heart is open to serve.

I pray without ceasing, seeing The Divine in absolutely everything, everywhere. I see my world is filled with Good, and I experience this Good with gratitude. I celebrate my abundant life!

I release these words to the Law of Mind knowing they are my Truth. And So It Is!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Day 25 – TGWR #6

These past few days we’ve been working on releasing old beliefs that could be blocking our good. I’m sure in doing this work, you’ve come up with some that I haven’t mentioned.

Today I want to share one more – envy. The envy I’m talking about is looking at what someone else has and slipping into “plomitus” (poor little old me) .. where you find yourself thinking “Why do they get all the goodies – what about me!?”

The energy of envy draws your blocks closer to you. It’s telling the Universe – “I don’t get anything.” And the Universe says Yes.

The Truth is, we want to be excited and happy for another’s good! How wonderful it is that they are attracting their good – and if they can do it – so can we!! The energy of being excited and happy for others, opens our own receiving and draws more things to be excited and happy about!

Today, whenever you see something that belongs to another that you would like to have – bless them and it with joy!

Friday, October 02, 2009

Day 24 -

Most of us were raised with the idea that we have to work hard for a living. This belief can block our receiving.

I was talking to an artist the other day, who told me that they’d like to start charging more for their work, but they didn’t spend as much time in the studio “as they should.” I saw that old belief working – and reminded the artist that people didn’t pay for time spent in the studio – they paid for talent. They paid for the artists’ talent with colours, perspective, light and design. They also paid for their own feelings that were evoked when looking at the painting.

Granted a painting that does all that could take a large chunk of time – or it might be something that happened easily – but it’s not the effort, it’s the consciousness that is being purchased.

You might think – ‘well, I’m not a painter, I work in an office’ … you are still being paid for your skills, your talent.

Believing in this old adage means that anytime you think you’re not working hard enough, your receiving will reflect that.

You do not have to “work hard for a living!!” Change your thinking. Acknowledge the gifts you are bringing to your work, and be grateful you have the ability to serve in what ever position you are in.

Prosperity is all about consciousness. I KNOW you will see a greater inflow by changing this belief!!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Day 23 – TGWR #6

Did you know that most of us have a “set-point” when it comes to our receiving? It’s like a personal thermostat, set on a certain amount, and no matter what we do, or how much more we might get, the “temperature” always return to the point it is set at.

Thank goodness we can change it. Take a deep breath and allow yourself to imagine a thermostat on the wall in front of you. It is set at zero. Now turn the dial notch by notch, and while you are doing this, pay attention to how your body feels. When you start to feel uncomfortable, notice where the thermostat is set.
Notice the reaction in your body. Tell yourself: “I no longer have to experience this setting. I am willing to raise it. I will now allow Spirit to guide me to my next set-point.” When you FEEL that willingness in your body, imagine turning it up. Allow your intuition to guide you. When you get to a new setting that feels good, look at it. Declare this is your new set-point with feeling. Express your gratitude, and take a deep breath to anchor the experience, and let it go.

Pay attention to your receiving the next few days! I am sure you’ll see an improvement!! Acknowledge it as a result of your turning up your set-point.
God is Good!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 22 -

A friend of mine was recently given the opportunity to choose a painting by a well-known artist. She was in awe of the gift being given, and was deciding which one of the two she liked best, when the artist said “Take both.”

She knew how much this artists work sold for, and the thought that he would just give her two expensive paintings was too much for her to handle. She chose one and accepted it as the gift.

Since I heard this story I’ve been thinking about how when we block our good – we block not only our own, but someone else’s as well. When my friend refused the second painting because she felt she couldn’t accept such an expensive gift, she blocked her flow and his! Was it blocked forever? Of course not – only for the moment.

I’ve done this as well – we probably all have. Let’s remember that prosperity is a circle – it comes in and goes out. It is given and received. When we participate with grace and gratitude, we are more open the Universal Energy, and being more open, more comes in and more goes out.

Where have you blocked your receiving? Can you see how you might have blocked the givers good? Journal about this today.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 20 -

Somewhere I saw a poster that said “When it comes to dreams, think like a child.”

I love that statement – why? Because a child hasn’t been jaded by OPO … other peoples’ opinions. No one has told him or her that what they want to do costs too much, needs too much education, hasn’t been done so can’t be done, is too airy fairy, etc..
A child dreams BIG!

Where are you holding yourself back in your prosperity dreams? And why? Whose voice are you hearing as you start to dream?

This week we’re going to look at some of the blocks to our good. Right up front I’m telling you they are all in your head. Now’s the time to let them out and let them go!!

Journal your prosperity dreams as if you were a child. Write down how you feel and what you’re thinking about those dreams. Write down any blocks so you can release them. You and I are more powerful than we think!
Day 19

Here is a Prosperity Prayer from Ernest Holmes, the founder of the Science of Mind. From “The Science of Mind”,

Abundance Is My Inheritance

Abundance is mine. I cannot be deprived of my supply. The trees do not lack for leaves, nor do the flowers fail to bloom. Am I not as important as they? “Consider the lilies of the field, they toil not neither do they spin, yet…Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as one of these.”

I look at the lavish wastefulness of Nature and know that God intended me to be as abundantly supplied, with everything that makes for beauty, well-being, progressive living and happiness. I, myself, am to blame when these “fruits of the Spirit” fail to appear.

Since I know the Truth of my being, I will no longer hinder or retard my good from coming to me. I will expect and accept all that I need to make life happy and worth while; for I am a child of the Spirit, and every attribute of It-every attribute of Good-is my inheritance.

Nothing but lack of faith can keep my good from me, for I am one with the Universal Essence of Life, or Spirit, and It’s Substance will manifest in my experience as I believe. No longer will I go for my good, carrying only a dipper to be filled. This day, as I turn to the Father within, I bring “all the empty vessels” knowing they will be filled, and my abundance will become manifest.

Abundance Is My Inheritance

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 18 -

How’s your receiving!?! Have you been consciously open to accepting more good?? Have you discovered anything about how you receive?

And how are you doing in opening up to Spirit?

Dr. Eric Butterworth, a Unity minister and author of many books including “Spiritual Economics” wrote "When you begin to see things from the high perspective of the ever-presence of God-substance, you will be in the creative flow of abundance, which will bless your life with sustained affluence. And it will also go forth from you as a prospering influence in the world."

Today allow yourself to recognize everything as pure God Substance!! It’s all good, all God, and here just for you!!
Day 17

Awhlie ago our Thursday Morning Book Circle worked on the book “Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting” by Lynn Grabhorn. One of the concepts I really got in that book was to constantly return to feeling GOOD.

Lynn wrote:

The way we think...
...causes the way we feel. . .
...and the way we feel. . .
...causes the way we vibrate
...and the way we vibrate. . .

There are a lot of teachers who are saying the same thing – including me!!

Think about this – if I am constantly worrying, it will make me feel bad and I’ll attract more things to worry about!! Dr. Holmes calls worry “negative prayer.”

Today, no matter what’s going one, every time you notice what time it is, take a deep breath and allow yourself to return to feeling good - about yourself, your life, the people around you – about everything – including The Divine – the Source of all Good!

The better we feel the more Good we attract – and the more we get to be Great Receivers!!
Day 16

Perhaps as you’re doing this Work, you might wonder where the limiting beliefs we’re letting go of came from …… well, this piece from Abraham-Hicks came in my e-mail this morning and I had to share it. I love their sense of humour!!

“Is It a Limiting Belief? Do you know that the only thing that can ever hold you back is your own limiting beliefs?

Now, what is a limiting belief? A limiting belief is a belief that contradicts your desire. That's it. Well, how did you get those beliefs? You just picked them up along your physical trail, and now you drag them everywhere you go. Do you do it deliberately? Do you say, "I think I will carry limiting beliefs around with me, to keep me from thriving, to keep me from being clear minded, to keep me from being safe, to keep me from being well, to keep me from being prosperous. I think I will just pick through the rubble of physical human experience, and I will just gather up a whole parcel of things that don't serve me well. And I'll carry them around and pass them on from generation to generation, and I'll make my life miserable with them and, hopefully, I'll pass them on to my children who will do the same?"

It's not like that at all, is it? Not one of your limiting beliefs did you pick up deliberately intending to do yourself or someone else harm. You did not do any of this in a deliberate way. You did it in an in-deliberate way, because you did not understand the power of your emotions. You did not believe that feeling good meant that it was good for you.”

Our limiting beliefs are nothing to be ashamed of, or afraid of. As you participate in this Campaign, allow yourself to let go, and let God fill you up with things and thoughts that FEEL GOOD!
Day 15 -

If you’re like me, you haven’t completed your clearing of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual clutter yet – but you’re working on it. Now let me tell you a secret – this is something you’ll be working on for the rest of your life!!

Have you noticed that when you de-clutter, new stuff immediately comes in? Especially if you’re a Great Receiver – and this is what I want us to work on for the rest of this week.

From the moment of reading this until a week has passed, I invite you to gracefully receive what ever any one wants to give you. Don’t ask anyone to give you something, just be open to receive. Let’s have a conscious experience of how the Universe is constantly giving to us! It uses many channels, always giving us new opportunities to open up to our Greater Good. And since The Divine is a Great Giver, we are to be Great Receivers!

Please note – if you don’t want something given to you, receive it gracefully anyway and pass it on to someone else and let them practice being a Great Receiver.

Receive with an open heart and open mind. Receive compliments, gifts, smiles, ideas, feelings, etc. Note these things in your journal every night. Write down how you felt when receiving. Some things are easy to receive, and some things not. It’s good to know how we feel about receiving as it could give us a clue to our blocks.

Have fun with this exercise!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 14 –

Today is the Autumn Equinox. In the days when people followed a more seasonal calendar, this day was celebrated with feasts and festivals. The day was about being grateful for the abundance of harvests.

What have you ‘harvested’ in consciousness since last Autumn? Where were you and how have you grown? Give yourself some time and fill a page of your journal with the ways you have grown and the things you appreciate about yourself.

Celebrating our growth is always a good thing!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 13 –

If you’re on Rev. Dr. Mary Manin Morrissey’s mailing list, you probably received this e-mail the other day. It goes so well with our Letting Go theme last week, I decided to share it with you…

Order is the first law of the Universe.

If you wish for a finer environment or nicer things, alter your thinking right where you are.

If you are working for success, look at your life. If order is the first law of the Universe, and it is, then it must also be reflected in physical life.

Is your house organized? Your car? Your office? Your purse or wallet? One's personal space is a reflection of their mind.

As you organize your external world you will begin to notice that you'll start attracting the more of the results you want.

And, hey, with order in your environment, you can find what you're looking for, as well.

Jeff sent me this note after receiving the e-mail:

“I have learned a very valuable lesson in how disorder and clutter can keep our good from us. Inspired by her message, I set out to clean off my desk, which was in horrendous shape...notes and papers everywhere. I barely had enough room for the computer!

On the desk were coupons a friend had sent me last year...LAST YEAR!...for a free meal at a local restaurant. AND I found a couple of other little freebies that I missed out on because I "lost" them in the clutter on my desk.

It made me wonder how much good other people are letting slip through their hands because of the disorder in their living environments. So for me, this is a wake-up call, not only for better housekeeping, but for keeping the channels free for the Universe to send my good to me...PLUS, by keeping the clutter under control, you don't have to be embarrassed about the mess when someone drops by unexpectedly! “

I know it’s impossible to all our clearing work in one week, so I suggest that as we continue on our Campaign, you pick one thing a day, or a week, to completely clear and organize. Create a schedule today – and then stick to it. Remember this is all about clearing the clutter from our consciousness to make room for the new.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 12 – TGWR #6

Aloha everyone ---

Let’s pray. Read this with as much feeling and belief as you can, as many times as you want:

I am so grateful for my realization of Spiritual Law. I know it is an aspect of something that is much bigger than I could possibly imagine. Not only much bigger, but infinitely intelligent and unconditionally loving.

I celebrate my ability to clear the clutter and make room for the new. I have cleared clutter in my physical body, my physical surroundings, my mind and my heart. I have cleared out any cluttering beliefs that say I am not enough or I am undeserving.

My Truth is - I am part of the Energy called God – that all powerful, everywhere present Source. This Divine Energy is always giving to Itself as me. I claim my acknowledgement of this, and open myself to consciously receive.

More and more good is pouring into my life every moment. I am an excellent receiver, just as God/Goddess/All There Is is an excellent giver. I am part of this awesome circle of abundant energy that is constantly flowing, and this is good, very good.

I release these words into the Law of Mind, knowing they have already been embodied. All is well in our world. And so It is.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 11 - TGWR - Round 6

Today is a day to do some releasing in the 4 areas we’ve discussed if you haven’t had time to do them yet. Even if you only do one releasing in each area – you are ‘making room’ for the new consciousness of prosperity!

When that’s completed, go over your journal entries and see if there is a common thread running through each area – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Let’s declare that a Golden Thread, because if you follow it, it will lead you to the basic core belief that is blocking your good.

I won’t give you all my examples – but where it takes me is back to my childhood. I’ve discovered that I wanted to be rescued! I was adopted at age 2 ½, and that little girl has been waiting to be rescued since then! My adopted parents were wealthy, but not very good caretakers of their wealth, and I saw my Mother get rescued financially over and over, and as we got older, my Father rescued my sister from her credit cards numerous times. I think I equated money with love, and even when I asked, which was really hard, I was never rescued.

I kept waiting for someone to do it for me!! I wasn’t taking responsibility for my own Good! I am now, and have been for years, but that thread is still there!
So – I’m turning that thread into Gold by claiming it as my own with no judgment, and then releasing it back to the Universe.

When you’ve discovered your thread – own it and watch it turn to gold. Then do a little meditation where you see yourself, pulling that thread from your tapestry of life, and offering it to God on an altar – as a sacrifice to your Greater Good.

PS – do you know that the word “sacrifice” means ‘to make sacred”

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 8, TGWR Round 6

This week we’re letting go.

Let’s look at our mental clutter. This is so important because as most of you know “Thoughts are things” – thoughts matter!

Today, every time you spend some money, allow a part of yourself to be a witness to your inner thoughts. As you walk through a store and see something you like, what are your first thoughts as look at the price? As you drive by the gas station and see the prices on the marquee, what goes through your mind?

Allow yourself to be a mental scientist – do this work without any emotional attachment (we’ll look at those tomorrow). Journal your discoveries and then spend some time clearing any beliefs that come from the reasoning mind that say there’s not enough, you don’t really need it, or you can’t afford it, by remembering who you are!! You are an individualized expression of The One – the Source of all things. Write down as many positive thoughts about Who You Are as you can.

You are more powerful than you think!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 7 – TGWR #6

This week we’re letting go. How did you do yesterday? Did you find something to give someone? It’s great if you did and great if you didn’t, as you still have time. Remember, it has to be something of value, as it’s a symbol of your willingness to be more prosperous.

Let’s talk about physically letting go. We’ll start with our bodies. Wealth is health as well as money. Now might be a good time to clear the cupboards of those foods you know your body doesn’t really like, and perhaps even go on a fast.

Now let’s look at our greater body. Most of us have a junk drawer, if not a junk room, or a basement or garage that’s filled with things we rarely use. Let yourself work on those spaces a little bit every day.

We are energy beings, and we are designed so that Divine Energy can flow through us with ease. The material things in our lives are congealed energy – and if they are not being used, they are energy that is blocking the flow.

One thing I realized after giving up most of my things a couple of times in my life, is that the Universe abhors a vacuum! No sooner do we give things away than more comes to replace it. As we do this Sacred Work this week, let’s know that only great things come into our experience!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 6

This week I invite you to celebrate letting go on all levels of your being. Letting go is making room for more – and there is always more, isn’t there 

Physically, spend some time this week clearing the clutter.

Mentally, spend some time clearing any beliefs that come from the reasoning mind that say there’s not enough, or you don’t deserve more.

Emotionally, clear any unforgiveness – this is definitely a block to your good.

Spiritually, clear any beliefs that being spiritual means not having.

We will talk more about these four things this week.

Today, as a symbol to your consciousness that you’re ready to let go of anything that is blocking your good, I want you to look around, find something that you love but never use and give it away. Give it to someone who you feel will truly enjoy it so it can be useful again.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 5 –

Let’s pray about what we’ve worked on this past week:

There is that within me that is more than I could possibly imagine. It is the Life of God – a Divine Energy that fills every cell and atom of my being. It is infinitely intelligent and unconditionally loving.

I breathe deeply and allow myself to feel the Love. It moves through me washing away all stresses. For this moment I am in perfect Peace. How good this feels!

I now declare I have a clear mind, a pure heart and an active imagination that works only for my greatest good. In my minds eye, I see myself as having manifested the intention I set this past week. I see how Infinite Intelligence worked through and as me, attracting to me all that I needed to fulfill my desires.

As I see these things, I know that with my Intention, I set the Law of Attraction in motion, and it will continue to work until I accept my demonstration.

Everything is working out wonderfully. Gratitude fills me, and I celebrate my good and the good of everyone who is participating in TGWR Round 6.

I release these words into the Law of Mind knowing they are done. And so it is.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 4 – TGWR #6

Aloha everyone ---

This came in my e-mail box today and I love it!

"If you knew everything was really all right, and that it has a happy ending, you would not feel trepidations about your future." -- Abraham-Hicks

How do we get to that place of KNOWING? Like Nike’s commercials have said for years – “Just do it!”

Perhaps you might want to utilize the “Fake it ‘til you make it” tool. This means contemplating what life would be like if you really knew everything is all right and has a happy ending. So this is your assignment today. Live as if you already KNOW this Truth.

Breathe deeply and center yourself – a lot – and remember, everything is turning out wonderfully!.

Tonight, allow yourself to write about how this felt in your journal.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 3

Now that we know what our Intention is, we can relax for a moment, and turn this Intention over to God.

Oh wait – here’s something else we have to examine! What God do you believe in?

My teacher, the late Rev. Helen Street, said that within 5 minutes of beginning a conversation with someone, she knew the God they worshiped.

Perhaps we might understand this statement better if we listened to our conversations a bit more closely. For instance – a while ago a friend was talking about a wonderful cruise she and her husband are going on. I said “I’d love to go on a cruise.” She, being a travel agent, said “Let’s book you one.” I replied “Oh, I can’t afford that!”

Obviously at that moment, I was believing my god was a wimpy god – not the God of all possibilities I tell myself I believe in!! I want to turn my Intention over to an infinitely intelligence awesome Power for Good in this universe!! How about you?

Today your assignment is to listen – and come to an understanding of the god you really believe in – then change what ever is necessary. In my Science of Mind 101 class, I have my students create a Designer God … what qualities do you want your god to have? Give It that!!

Then turn over your Intention and relax !

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 2 –

I’m knowing you’ve had the time to get clear as to where you are in consciousness around the idea of prosperity.

I want to remind us that although we are focusing on embodying the consciousness of more money in our lives – Prosperity is not just about that.

I love the late Dr. Raymond Charles Barkers’ definition:

“Prosperity is being able to do what you want, when you want, with whom you want.”

Louise Hay's favorite affirmation is: “I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the Universe.” She writes: “ Wealth can mean more money in your life, but it can also mean dear friends, good health, a happy home, and delicious food on the table.”

Today let’s get clear on our intention for this Campaign. One way to get clear is to look at what we wrote yesterday, and re-write it in a more positive way.

For instance, yesterday I wrote down everything I owe. It isn’t much, but I have a couple of outstanding debts that are hanging over my head. One is a debt I owe to an ex-boyfriend who paid to have my car fixed when it broke while I was moving out. This debt is affecting how I think about him – I’ve actually tried not to think of him – to avoid him – because I haven’t paid him back yet. And that avoidance keeps us connected in a way I am not comfortable with anymore.

So today my intention is: I am debt-free by the end of this Campaign.

Look over what you wrote yesterday, and allow yourself to create an intention. Then spend some time imagining how it will feel when that intention manifests.

As I imagine handing my friend his cheque, I feel myself breathing a deep sigh of relief, and as I post the other payments in my computer, I feel FREE!! Joy bubbles up inside of me as I feel this freedom!

Abraham-Hicks says that 17 focused seconds on your intention will bring it into manifestation much quicker. During this Campaign, let’s use this awesome gift we have called our imagination for 17 seconds every day!!

PS: Here’s a 17 second timer for you:

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Aloha and Welcome to Round 6 of our Thank God We’re Rich Campaign!!

Day 1

I am so excited by the number of people who have joined me to release old limiting beliefs and embody some new ones. I KNOW without a shadow of doubt, that if we consciously do the work, it will work for us with grace and ease!

And how delightful to begin on 9/9/09. Nine is the number of completion of a cycle. I am really ready to release my old cycle!! I’m ready to step out and live at a new level of Being!!

Are you ready? Well, what a silly question – of course you are – or you wouldn’t have signed up!

Let’s begin by getting clear. Spend some time thinking about what you want to let go of. Perhaps it’s the consciousness of debt, perhaps it’s not putting a high enough value on your services, perhaps it’s the consciousness of ‘not enough.’ Then sit down, take a couple of deep breaths, ask I.I. (Infinite Intelligence) to help you, and start writing. Don’t critique your writing, or let your reasoning mind get in the way – just write. If you’re one of those that hates writing, push through it and do it anyway.

In order to move beyond where we are – we have to stop being in denial. Use the 9 energy of today, to do this work.

I highly encourage you to keep a journal of this work. By the end of 60 days, you will have visible proof of how your consciousness has changed.

Again, thank you for going on this Campaign with me!! We’re going to see Great Things!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Round 5, Day 60

Here we are - our last day of this campaign. This campaign was about the manifestation of more money in our lives. It was also about expanding our consciousness so that we live at a higher level, free from the fear of limitation and lack. It was about letting go and trusting the Law to do the work we set in Mind.

Dr. Ernest Holmes wrote: The best way to arrive at the highest consciousness is to have a great faith in the willingness and ability of Life to do all for us, by working through us. We must believe in the inherent goodness and all-powerfulness of the Spirit. We must let every path lead us back to the point where we realize the inner presence of the great Reality. There, through the door of our own thought, we enter into the universal Consciousness, into a complete realization of life and truth, of love and beauty.

I know each one of us has been transformed in some way by our participation. I know we believe it, feel it and see it. And so it is.
Thank you for walking this Prosperity Path with me.

Thank God We’re Rich!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Round 5, Day 59

During this Round of our Thank God We’re Rich campaign, we have taken an honest look at where we are financially, we have learned to ask for what we want, we have chosen to forgive those we were still holding anything against, we have worked at being better givers, and we have acknowledged our Source.

These are the keys to living an abundant life. They are simple and can be practiced on a daily basis. In your prosperity notebook, write a bit about your awareness of these keys, and a bit about which one impacted you the most.

And Thank God We’re Rich.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Round 5, Day 58

Virginia Satir wrote: “I want to get you excited about who you are, what you are, what you have, and what can stlll be for you. I want to inspire you to see that you can go far beyond where you are right now.”

I can’t say it any better than that – even though we only have 2 more days on this campaign – I want you to know that you’ve only just begun! You can do it!! You can experience the richness of Life. You are way more powerful than you think you are!!

Thank God We’re Rich!!

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Round 5, Day 57

A good day to pray:

Today we acknowledge the abundance of the Universe. It is everywhere, in everything.It surrounds us, and fills us up. It is Life Itself.

I celebrate each of us on our Thank God We’re Rich Campaign. We know this is our Truth: Spirit in us, as us, wants to express abundantly. We move from the consciousness of lack to prosperity, and we do this by Divine Right Action. We are tuned in to the energy of creation. Our faith directs our actions. We bestow blessings everywhere we are with complete and joyous abandon. Life is good. We are rich.

God is our good, and wherever God is, all is well. Gratefully, these words are released into the Law, knowing they are done, and so it is.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Round 5, Day 56

“No creative process can begin until a decision is made.”

Raymond Charles Barker, The Power of Decision

One of the things I know is that when we are being bombarded with messages of doom and gloom, a decision to live in Truth has to be made on a daily basis! Otherwise we fall into the world way of thinking. Since we manifest what we predominantly think and feel, then if we have allowed ourselves to think in the world way, we will find “proof” in our lives, that what ‘they’ are saying is true. It is NOT!!

Re-establish the creative process over and over by choosing to live in an abundant world, until it is second nature, and nothing can shake you from being Centered.

Affirmation: I live richly. Anything else is not in my Reality.

Thank God We’re Rich

Friday, March 06, 2009

Round 5, Day 55

An affirmation for today:

“I have crossed the threshold of all good. I am open and willing to accept that which is ready to express through me as prosperity and all good things. I am living an abundant life.”

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Round 5, Day 54

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."
~ Melody Beattie ~

Spend some conscious time in gratitude today. Fill a page in your prosperity notebook.

I am so grateful for the change in consciousness around the ideas of money, prosperity, and abundance, that I know we as a group have manifested. Life is getting better every day!

Thank God we’re rich!!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Round 5, Day 53

Just in case you think attaining a prosperity consciousness is too hard - read these words from Abraham-Hicks:

We would like you to release the word "achieve" or "earn" from your vocabulary and from your understanding, altogether, and we would like you to replace those words with the word "allow". You're wanting to allow your Well-being, not achieve it. It's not something that you need to earn. All you have to do is decide what it is you would like to experience, and then allow it in order to achieve it. It isn't something you have to struggle for or try for. You are all worthy beings. You are deserving of this Well-being.

God wants you to be rich, and why wouldn't It? It is the Source of all riches. It is richness Itself. All that God is, you are, right now. You deserve to be rich! It is your birthright to be rich. You ARE rich. Allow that to be your Truth. It really is the Truth for all of us.

Thank God we're rich.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Round 5, Day 52

Rhonda Byrne, the creator of the film "The Secret" said:

"The shortcut to anything you want in your life is to BE and FEEL happy now! It is the fastest way to bring money and anything else you want into your life."

Spend time today recording the times you feel happy in your prosperity notebook. Remember, the Energy goes where the attention flows!

Thank God we are rich!!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Round 5, Day 51

Only 9 more days of this campaign. How are you doing? Have you experienced a shift in consciousness, or do you sense one happening?

On my part, my income has increased in fun ways, people are paying for classes before they begin, I’ve been treated to so many wonderful lunches and fun, inspiring things. I LOVE my life!!

Yet, writing the phrase “only 9 more days” made me think … what if I really did have only 9 more days to change my thinking – what if I didn’t have any more chances? How would my behaviour be for these last few days?

If I hadn’t had the changes I’ve had which show my new and improved consciousness, I would do a few things really seriously in these next few days …

First, I would forgive anyone I need to forgive. My teacher told me that unresolved debt is unresolved anger or hurt. Those blocks need to be released. Not only for my financial health, but my physical health as well.

Two, I would start giving away whatever I could give away, be it things or money. This not only makes room for our new prosperity – it ‘primes the pump.”

Three, I would start Trusting the Law. Expecting It to work.

Four, I would be grateful for everything, absolutely everything – even those things that seem like challenges, because those are actually blessings in disguise.

How would your behaviour change!?!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Round 5, Day 50

A Prosperity Prayer:

God, being all there is, is the lavish abundance seen throughout the Universe. It speaks to me from every budding plant, every greening lawn, every cloud in the sky. It says, “Take me, I am yours. Use me, I am for your use.”
The atoms making up the cells of all things, including my body, are also direct expressions of the abundance of God. Through them, God is saying “Live me, I am you.”
Today I totally let go of thinking I do not deserve more good – God is my good, and It is absolutely everywhere. It serves me and serves me well.
I celebrate my conscious awareness of this Truth. I have nothing to be afraid of. I need not be concerned. I have embodied the Truth of abundance, and now open to live an opulent life.
How grateful I am to see, experience and feel these things. God is my Good – my all-sufficiency.
I release these words knowing they are so – and so it is.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Round 5 Day 49

The other day I was having a conversation with someone who was angry that the CEO of WalMart made so much more than his employees. He kept saying it wasn’t fair.

Now I don’t know anything about the WalMart situation, but I do know this: Life never promised fairness – and in Truth, it’s about consciousness. The CEO of WalMart makes what he makes because he has the consciousness to do so.

If we are treating to be better paid, yet we are putting down people who are, what do you think the Universe is hearing? We’ve probably got more feeling attached to the put-downs than we do to our Treatments. The Universe responds to our dominant thoughts and feelings. Let go of ‘cursing’ anyone who makes more than you. Think of these people with love – you might even say “If they can do it, so can I.”

I just remembered a wonderful cartoon I saw many years ago in The New Yorker magazine. Two bums are standing on the sidewalk watching a Rolls Royce drive by. One turns to the other and says “There, but for me, go I.”

Thank God We’re Rich!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Round 5, Day 48

Cathy wrote: “trust is the key- perhaps hard to do at first- but like everything we practice, it gets easier. To the point where you wonder what you did before!
Kind of like microwaves and cell phones- what did we ever do before them?? LOL”

Good point Cathy!! Can you get yourself to the point where you can rely on The Divine as much as you can rely on your microwave and cellphone!!

I’ve been living in Trust most of my adult life – or at least since I got into this teaching. Granted, there are occasionally some times when I let myself get freaked out, but at the last minute something wonderful always happens. I call this a John Wayne consciousness – you know, the wagons are circled, there are more bad guys than good guys – death looks immanent -- and suddenly John Wayne and the Calvary are coming over the mountain – just in time! Whew!

It is never too late to change your mind about the outcome! Let the Law be John Wayne for you if you must, it’s better than succumbing to fear. However, sooner or later, you’ll realize you have the Power within you and don’t need to be rescued!!

Thank God We’re Rich!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Round 5, Day 47

Dr. Ernest Holmes
Science of Mind

When we learn to trust the Universe, we shall be happy, prosperous and well. We must learn to come under that Divine Government, and accept the fact that Nature's table is ever filled.

Never was there a Cosmic famine. "The finite alone has wrought and suffered, the Infinite lies stretched in smiling repose." God is always God.

Trusting is a key ingredient to manifestation. We do our spiritual work, our treasure maps, our affirmations, and then fall into the world way of thinking. I know there are facts being broadcast to us from every direction and these days we might find it hard to rise above the wave of negativity – however, until we can fully embody the above Truth, we can say “Regardless of appearances, I can Trust The Divine! In trusting, I am happy, prosperous and well.”

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Round 5, Day 46

Yesterday, Harold e-mailed me with some affirmations he uses:

“On my screensaver: In wisdom, faith, and Belief, with all knowing, in God's own perfect time, for the highest good in use, $1,000,000 manifests to me for self expression of my true goodness in spiritual nature.
This is what I write on all checks I write to remind myself of what I am really in the process of when a check is written: T-Y-F-I-A-Y-G = Thank you father I accept your grace”

Good ones! On my screensaver I have:
“Relax, you can let Me handle the details today. Love, God”

Anything we do to remind ourselves of the consciousness we are embodying is a good thing!! And we have to do the thing or say the words that our subjective mind can relate to. In other words, adopting someone else’s affirmations might work for a little while, but the ones you come up with on your own, and really resonate with, will work the best for you.

Spend some time today writing affirmations in your prosperity notebook, and notice how you’re feeling when you write them.
Thank God we are rich!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Round 5, Day 44

Recently I heard Dr. Michael Beckwith say: "Worry is like paying interest on money you haven't borrowed."

Dr. Holmes calls worry 'negative prayer'.

What are you worrying about today? Take a breath. Is this thing you are worried about really the Truth?

If not, then declare the Truth knowing all the power of the Universe is behind your words!! This is really a rich, friendly Universe, and It is giving to you every moment of your life. Open your eyes to see your abundant life!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Round 5, Day 43

A good day to pray:

Today I move into the centre of my Being, awakening my conscious awareness of my True Self. This Self is the Source of all good.

With eager expectancy I declare my Good is at hand. I know it is, because my Good is God. There is no place where God is not. As I contemplate my Good, my faith gets stronger. I can Trust Principle to work. It always has, and always will.

All of Life is conspiring to make my life an experience of Opulence and Joy. I gratefully accept this as my Truth!

And so it is.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Round 5, Day 42

"If God said, 'Rumi, pay homage to everything that has helped you enter my arms,' there would not be one experience of my life, not one thought, not one feeling, not any act I would not bow to."

Today allow yourself to pay homage to everything in your life – yes, even that which you call negative. All challenges are really questions waiting for your attention. If you have lack – perhaps the question is “What is the true nature of supply?”

Let yourself pay homage to the Questions waiting to be revealed to you.

And Thank God We’re Rich!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Round 5, Day 41

We can make bigger buckets. We cannot make a bigger law. The law knows nothing about big and little. It knows to do. Since there is such a Law and we are always using it, we are all receiving from life an objective equivalent of our inward mental attitudes. If we wish more we must increase our expectancy, we must identify ourselves with more. The law being absolute, can produce what we call a big thing as easily as what we term a small thing. Mind is a mirror, automatically reflecting our images of thought, be that good, bad or indifferent, large, medium or small, as we measure things.
Ernest Holmes

This is a great quote. And what ‘more’ should we identify ourselves with?? Why God of course!! God being all – there could never be a lack of God!

Use your Prosperity Notebook today to journalize about the everpresent giving Nature of The Divine. What you contemplate, you will become.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Round 5, Day 40

Knowing that we get our basic money beliefs from our parents, I was journaling about mine. My parents lived rich, but seemed to always have money problems.

I remember a time when my Mother worked for weeks to make a fancy dress for a party and it was gorgeous! The night of the party my Mother looked so beautiful. They were going to the party with friends who were coming over for cocktails beforehand. When the doorbell rang, I ran to answer it, my Mother close behind me. “Oh Fran, your dress is lovely” the woman said. I piped up proudly “She made it!” My Mother put her hand on the back of my neck, dug in her long red nails, and told me to go to my room. I couldn’t figure out why she was mad at me for saying she had made her dress.

Now I know what one of my parent’s prosperity problems was. If I had been smart at the age of 10 I could have shouted “Stop Competing!”

I wonder how many our ideas of prosperity are brought about by competition. Your friend gets a new car, or a new house, new clothes, hairdo, or electronic toy, and now you want that or something better. All the videos that came out after The Secret have fancy cars, and mansions, jewels and piles of money – telling us we can have what ever we want – and making us feel less than if we don’t have or want those things. Competition.

I once saw a coffee table book where the photographer had people all over the world, take everything out of their front rooms and put it in their front yard, and stand in back of their possessions. There were pictures of people with big screen TV’s, huge armchairs, plants, microwaves, boxes and bottles galore. And there were also pictures of people with some mats, bowls, firewood, clothes, a couple of pigs and chickens. The funny thing was, the less people had, the more they were smiling!

It is not the material possessions that make us happy. It’s our experience of life. Use your prosperity journal this week to think about where you might be in competition. Is this where you really want to be? What quality of life would really make you feel prosperous?

And Thank God we’re rich.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Round 5, Day 38 & 39

I’ve been thinking about you today. Thinking about how wonderful it is to be on a Prosperity Path with so many people, and how our combined focus is working not only for ourselves, but for each other, and for countless others we don’t even know about!

In the children’s book “Dinotopea,” #1 of the Codes the dinosaurs live by is:
One raindrop raises the sea.

This is what we’re doing – raising the sea. As each of us embody a prosperity consciousness, we are raising the level of the collective consciousness. We are making a difference in our world!

Thank you for doing this work with me. I know it is appreciated!!

Affirmation for today:
I am willing to share my consciousness with others. As I help others prosper, I prosper, and this is a Good Thing.

Thank God We’re Rich!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Round 5, Day 37

I was thinking about ‘vibrations’ today, and remembered a story about Dr. Ernest Holmes. George Bendall lived with Dr. Holmes after he was widowed. He wrote that sometimes he would come home and be met at the door by Dr. Holmes, who would say “Find where I prayed, George.” Dr. Holmes believed Spiritual Mind Treatment created a consciousness that set up a vibration around the one praying that was palpable to those who were sensitive enough. And that vibration would attract the desired manifestation.

All thinking creates vibration – if we are dwelling on lack, we will attract more lack. We have to raise that vibration by allowing ourselves to breathe deeply and move into a consciousness of Love. One way to do this is by thinking of a time when you really felt all was well with your world. Go ahead – do that – and then from this place, smile and say this affirmation:

I have a prosperity consciousness and am increasingly magnetic to money!

Thank God we’re rich!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Round 5, Day 36

A good day to pray:

I am surrounded by the opulent nature of the Universe. It surrounds me with the beauty of nature. It fills me up with the abundance of air. It supports me with the abundance of material objects in my life. The Universe is my all-sufficiency.

As I look around me, I realize that whether I have judged my surroundings to be good or bad, there is still more than enough. I declare right now: I am ready to experience more than enough Good – more than enough God – in my life today. I see God as Love, Life, Peace, Joy, Harmony, Health, Wealth and so much more. I move forward along the Path of my Life with an eager expectancy of all good showing up all along the way.

I am so grateful to be walking this Prosperity Path in consciousness. I am grateful I have countless others walking this Path with me. Together we are changing the consciousness of humanity from one of lack to one of plenty. We are changing the emotional landscape from one of fear to one of gratitude.

God is so good in our lives today and always, and in all ways! I release these words to the Law of Mind, knowing they are already so. And so It is.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Round 5, Day 35

The actor Jim Carrey told an interviewer that he had written himself a cheque for $1,000,000 many years before he became famous. He carried it in his wallet and would look at it whenever he thought about it …. We know where his intention got him!!

Let’s try this ourselves! Write out a cheque in the amount you’ve been focusing on, sign it “With love from the Universe” or “Your Universal Source” or something that feels good to you, and put it in your wallet. Look at it when ever you can, breathe deeply, smile and expect to receive!

Thank God We’re Rich!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Round 5, Day 34

As we enter this Love Weekend – ask yourself “What is my relationship to money?”

Many of us have a love/hate relationship with it. We love it when we have it, and hate it when we don’t.

This weekend, allow yourself to Love yourself every time you use or think about money. Love yourself even when you buy something you think you shouldn’t. Love yourself while you are paying your bills. Love yourself while you are giving your tithe at church. Love your money and it will love you back!!

Remember, as Dr. Raymond Charles Barker said “Money is a symbol of God in action in our lives.”

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Round 5, Day 33

Judy sent this yesterday:
“I read in Tom Johnson's writing: “You don't Have to Wait - 'Treatment is not for the purpose of making anything happen but to permit that which already is to move into expression and fulfillment NOW. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WAIT!"

Thank you Judy for this great reminder!! All our work in consciousness is to permit that which already IS to move into expression in our lives!! YES!!

Contemplate this idea today: You are already rich beyond measure. All of your needs are met and more. Life is continually giving you great gifts of everything your heart desires.

Write these ideas in your prosperity notebook, and as you do, listen to the thoughts that come up. Record any “yea, buts” and after you have, cross them out, and rewrite the above ideas in your own words.

Now – open your Mind, your Heart and your Arms to receive!! In your mind’s eye, see all of us doing this, with wonderful smiles on our faces.

Thank God We’re Rich!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Round 5, Day 32

Today’s reading in the 365 Science of Mind is perfect for today:

I am a Creative Center

Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
–Psalm 35:5

Let your consciousness rise above the sense of separation from the power of God, and in a few moments you will feel as though you were sitting in the midst of an infinite sea of unobstructed Life. This place in Mind where you are now, is the Source of all action, the center of all creativity. It is also the innermost part of your own being.

Just as a plant turns to the sun, your thoughts turn to the Power and draw It down through your being, causing It to manifest through your word. In this act you are not losing your identity, you are more intensely self-conscious than ever before, but you are conscious in a larger, less obstructed manner. Whatever you decree, state or affirm from this altitude of thought will produce definite results. The Law of Life exists in all of us at all times, and we are using It whether or not we are conscious of the fact. If we wish to make a specific use of this Law of Life, then we must use It specifically.

I now climb a ladder of thought that takes me above all confusion. Climbing joyously, I pass through the clouds of fear and doubt. I behold light everywhere. I sense the enveloping presence of Love everywhere. The good I desire, I now affirm and accept, knowing my definite intentions produce definite results.

Thank God for Ernest Holmes!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Round 5, Day 31

When wanting to buy something or go somewhere, have you ever heard yourself saying “But I only have ________?” (a certain amount of money) I call this “the last dollar” consciousness.

Truth is, we can never spend ‘our last dollar.’ It might seem like it, yet we live in an ever increasing abundant flow of good.

Now, I’m not saying to spend indiscriminately, I’m saying don’t spend with the consciousness of fear that you won’t have enough, that if you spend it, you won’t get any more. Remember fear is an attracting energy, and if our attention is on lack, that’s the energy we will attract more of.

As you spend money today think “There’s always more where this came from!

And be grateful to The Source. Thank God We’re Rich!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Round 5, Day 30

Whoo Hoo – We’re at our half-way point in this campaign. How are you doing?

I was listening to an interview with an artist this morning, and the interviewer asked the artist a question that keeps coming back to me as a question for our lives … especially our prosperity consciousness at the moment:

“Where would “letting go” take you?

What if we really did let go of the thoughts and feelings of lack and limitation, of fear because of what we’re hearing about the economy, of shakiness around our jobs, etc. The thoughts and feelings about not having enough, doing enough or being enough.

Where would Letting Go take you?

It would take us closer to our Truth.

Good thing to ponder and perhaps write about in our prosperity notebooks.
Thank God we’re rich!!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Round 5, Day 28 & 29

Oops, forgot yesterday … well, today is a double whammy then!!

I’ve been playing with affirmations lately for my Treasure Map … the best one so far is:

“My income effortlessly increases whether I am working, playing or sleeping.”

And now, a very special Spiritual Mind Treatment for today:

by Dr. Ernest Holmes

A treatment after this manner should prove the law of abundance in the life of those who use such statements, and believe in them:

"I am surrounded by pure Spirit, by God, the Living Spirit. My thought is God thought, and it is the law unto that thing where unto it is spoken. Everything I do shall be a success. I am led, guided and inspired by the Living Spirit of Love and of right action. I am compelled to move in the right direction and to always know what to do, where, and how to do it.

"I am surrounded by right action. I am filled with the consciousness of right action. Right action is success in all I undertake to do. I am successful in all my undertakings, and I am compensated for all my efforts. I am surrounded by Substance, which is always taking the form of supply and always manifesting Itself to me in the form of whatever my need may be at the time.

"I always have an abundance of money and an abundance of whatever it takes to make life happy and opulent. There is a continuous movement toward me of supply, of money, of all that I need to express the fullest life, happiness and action.

"I have an inner understanding of my place in the Universe. I know it is unique. The Divine has not incarnated in anyone else in just the same individual way that It has in me. I am unique and forever individualized. Therefore, I do not need to imitate anyone or to long for the good that belongs to another. All good is now mine and is now manifest in my experience. I do not compete with anyone, for I am and remain forever myself. This self is united with all selves, but is always an individual and a unique self.

"There is that in me which all people recognize as worth while and desirable, and everyone whom I meet loves this self of mine and recognizes its worth. I draw all toward me and those whom I can benefit and those who can benefit me are irresistibly drawn toward me. I do not strain, will or coerce. I know. The Truth makes me free from the fear of poverty or bondage, and emancipates me from the thought of limitation. I see that money, like everything else that is desirable, must be a spiritual idea, and I know that I have this idea right in my mind at this moment, I shall always have this idea of abundance. It is mine and I take it.

"The opportunity for self-expression and compensation is always open to me and I am at all times compelled to know, accept and operate upon this opportunity. I have abundance because I am abundance. "All that the Father hath is mine."

And So It Is.